*My great adventure* - "I think it's a good idea...

Well, I hand my notice in at work today. That makes it all the more real, and there is no turning back now! :eek:

We now have almost all of the kit sorted. Just waiting for my shoes and Sarah's sunglasses to be delivered, then we should be pretty much set. Still have a few bits of paperwork to sort out, but they can't be done until a couple of months before we go.

If anyone is interested, here are some good links to videos about the PCT;
http://pct.thehikeguy.com/ - This guy walked much of the trail last year and did a great video blog as he went along.

And the video that I think is to blame for my adventure;

Thinking back, I watched this documentary on telly a few years ago so I think it is this that planted the seed.

That looks incredible, if you decide to do a blog remember and link it, I'd love to read it.

Not got a great deal of content on it yet, but all my updates will be through my website;


Our waterproof jackets are bright red, so that should hopefully do the trick. also much of the trail passes through national parks where hunting and firearms aren't allowed.
Good luck mate! It looks like it will be an amazing adventure. I would love to do something like this one day.

Would it be possible to do this on mountain bikes?
Utterly jealous & having a baby means something like this will now have to wait. Should be an incredible trip & can't wait to see updates.
Good luck & all the best & most of all - ENJOY!
Looks amazing - is it one continual track, or do you have to walk along roads, etc.?

Pretty much one continual trail, although there are bits on roads near towns etc. There are also change of being diverted due to forest fires or bad snow. I know one guy who did it last year ended up with a 190 mile road walk due to getting really late in the season and hitting bad snow.

Good luck mate! It looks like it will be an amazing adventure. I would love to do something like this one day.

Would it be possible to do this on mountain bikes?

Afraid not. No tyres are allowed on much of the trail. People and horses/goats/llamas only. There is however the Ride the Divide mountain bike race which goes along the Continental Divide Trail further to the east of the PCT

If you don't mind me asking, what have you budgeted for the trip?

It will probably cost about £3000-£4000 for each of us. This includes all our food, postage of resupplies and the occasional treat like a motel etc.
well done to you both

Have a fantastic time ,

this woke us up in our tent last year in the tetons, not a good shot but it was 5 in the morning, will return this year if we can get reasonable flight prices.
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