If I'm on holiday.. I'm away from home.
Mexico, Cornwall, morroco planned.
This is why I don't want a big house with lots of upkeep. I don't want to be a slave to it.
Indeed, if you want a big house you have to be prepared go pay others to so the upkeep.
Time is much more valuable than money
lol it's not a big house it's a semi .. from your answers you really do earn to much .. or just don't care what your house looks like ..
we live in different reality's holidays are for doing stuff round your house .. why would you spend money to go abroad ?? it's the same as where you live but in a different country .
I'm very much opposite of this.
Why wouldn't you spend money abroad?
I value unique experiences.
-mexico is to see the monarch butterfly migration peak. It's a unique natural phenomenon you can't see anywhere else. A life long memory. My. Number 1 thing to do is see this.
These matter and leave an imprint on me so I can look back on those memories.
I'm not going to look back in 30 years and remember that time I spent a week at home doing some DIY.
Everyone is different. But I value new and unique experiences and creating memories.
I enjoy the feeling of satisfaction from some DIY and a job well done as well as learning new skills and what I am capable of
I also enjoy going abroad on holidays and seeing new places.
Enjoy both? - controversial in here... Come at me chaps