My i7 920 c0

28 Nov 2004
Hi im using a i7920c0 cpu and can run 24-7@ 4.2 ghz on water,
do u think i should sell it and buy the 920-do stepping cpu.
or should i just keep what i have now. thx in responce.
Unless you got a really good price for your c0 i wouldnt bother as your only going to get a few hundred more mhz for your money.
There is always the chance too that you get a bad clocking d0.

What vcore are you using outta interest?
There's always a chance you'll get a bad D0 that can barely do 4Ghz so I wouldn't risk it.

This is very true, I have seen a few people online who have sold their C0's on and bought a D0 to find that it is worse than what their C0 was.

4.2GHz is a nice o/c for C0, I spent about 4 days trying to get a stable 4.2GHz o.c with my D0, also my last D0 was unable to clock higher than 3.8GHz.

I would stick with what you have mate, just incase you get a lemon..
The advice here is spot on. There's no point spending money on a D0 processor when there's the very real possibility that it will perform worse. Even if it did perform better the cost and hassle involved would nullify the small performance increase.
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