Deleted member 651465
Deleted member 651465
I do agree with what you're saying, but you have to weigh up "is it worth the hassle?" argument, even when using a beta.It's a bit unfair to say that plug-ins are dodgy for Safari. You could say the same Firefox's vast amount of extensions that are available and they do exactly what you have described.
If anyone likes the functionality plug-ins/extensions provides then they should install and use them. As previously mentioned, if they are beta versions, users will have to be aware that something wrong could potentially happen and the OP is a good example of this.
The articles you've provided which I appreciate you for providing them, are unfortunately out of date since InputManagers have been changed in Leopard to make it more secure. However, "dodgy" plug-ins/extensions can still be loaded and potentially cause the application to crash. It's up to the users of these plug-ins/extensions to see whether they are worth using for the extra functionality at a compromise.
For me, I like the stability and will continue to use a "barebones" Safari