My Mac Pro is going in for looking at.

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
When I bought my Mac Pro at the end of the summer last year I noticed a couple of times that if I turned it off, I couldn't always switch it back on again, it'd just click until I pulled the power cable out, waited a bit and put it back in again.

It didn't do it much and I didn't think anything of it really. It's been fine up until a couple of weeks ago when it did it again. I don't turn the computer off much as I prefer just to put it to sleep overnight but I found that I could put it to sleep and then try and wake it up but nothing would happen. Again, it only did it once or twice and then seemed OK.

Today it did it again. I'm not pretty sure it's heat related and when the room temperature hits around 25C, the computer gets grumpy. When it did it this evening I'd made a note of the temps and the room was 27C, the ambient temp inside the Mac Pro was 25C, PSUs were at 65C and 67C and the CPUs were all around 35-40C.

The only way to fix it is to pull the cord, wait for it to click a couple of times as the SMC resets itself and hope that it'll restart.

So I'm booked into the Genius Bar at Lakeside tomorrow evening. I'll have to lug my Mac Pro from the car park to the Apple Store, joy! It seems to me as though something is getting warm and the thermal trip is cutting out before it's supposed to as there's no way it's actually overheating.

I'm somewhat pleased that I bought a) Extended Applecare and b) A Macbook Pro as otherwise I'd be reduced to the Dell Mini-9 that I have from work and that wouldn't be fun.

I use iStat Menus for temperature checking, you can go seriously overboard with what it displays but I just have the ambient case temperature showing in the menu.
Ring up when you're at the car park and get them to bring out the trolley they should have :) saves you lugging it into the store yourself :)
They should have one, should they? That's good to know.

I'd be very surprised if they don't have one, most stores seem to. But if they don't have one, make them carry it :) I'm often asked at work to carry a machine to or from a car in the car park. To be even more pedantic according to health and safety it needs 2 people to carry the Mac Pro :)
Super duper. I don't think I even have a number for the store so I'll go in first and get them to come with me back to the car. I normally try and park out in the multi-story round the back by M&S which seems fairly central, don't know if that's the best place or not at Lakeside.
Super duper. I don't think I even have a number for the store so I'll go in first and get them to come with me back to the car. I normally try and park out in the multi-story round the back by M&S which seems fairly central, don't know if that's the best place or not at Lakeside.

That one's pretty close but it involves a lift, park outside BK/Robert Dyas up the Debenhams end, it's easiest.

Just go in and ask if someone can come out with the trolley they won't mind.
All done, unit has been delivered to the store. They guy said that this will be quite difficult to diagnose because it's heat related but he's ordered in a logic board, PSU and airport extreme card (because my wireless doesn't see anything more than about two yards away). The down side is that because they're very busy he said it could take up to seven days.

Hopefully it'll be fixed though and if they use the PSU and Logic board, it'll be like new!

Apple sent me the GT120 to fix my issue, and whilst walking down the local river I thought why don't I try a VGA cable? It fixed the issue! But sharpness is reduced sadly which is hurting my eyes!!!

But hey its a start I guess!
It's all fixed, PSU and Airport card have been swapped and I'm picking it up tomorrow at lunchtime. The airport is because I told them that it's not picking up any signals from more than a couple of yards away.

It's been a long week, although I have my music on the laptop in a reduced quality, I'm missing the iTunes library from the desktop because it feeds the AppleTV.
Aye, it's a good job I bought the extended Applecare! I suspect the room temperature here is a lot warmer than in your place as it did do it a couple of times towards the end of the summer last year but I didn't relate it to being heat related.

Not a problem though, hopefully it's all sorted now. One thing I have to work out how to do though is to change the owner info as they asked for you when they called me earlier today to tell me it was fixed!

You'll notice they also swapped out the Airport card. You'll be thinking "what airport card?" ;)
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