My Mac Pro is going in for looking at.

I've got the extended Apple care just incase!

Then again I sold my iBook to a mate a good few years ago now (I'd already had it 2 years) and hes still using it to this day, no hardware problems! :)
Aye, it's a good job I bought the extended Applecare! I suspect the room temperature here is a lot warmer than in your place as it did do it a couple of times towards the end of the summer last year but I didn't relate it to being heat related.

Not a problem though, hopefully it's all sorted now. One thing I have to work out how to do though is to change the owner info as they asked for you when they called me earlier today to tell me it was fixed!

You'll notice they also swapped out the Airport card. You'll be thinking "what airport card?" ;)

I believe you can ring Applecare with the serial number of the machine/applecare and get the details ammended :)
Well he changed the name and phone number when I collected it but said he can't do the address.

All seems good now, at least it's working and iStat menus is reporting the PSU temps at 40C and 47C which is somewhat better than the 65C/67C they were at before :)
Glad to see you got it sorted Mr Feek...

Ive got a similar annoying issue with my old white C2D 24" iMac, unfortunately i dont know when i bought it and cannot remember if i got any extended warranty on it. Im thinking of taking it down to the Manchester or Trafford Apple store and see if a genius there can diagnose it... Ive got a feeling its the GFX card thats borked and a replacement looks quite hard to source and pretty damn expensive. :( Glad ive got a couple of spare Macs to use and since getting the WDTV i rarely used the iMac anyway.
If it was a pc, you could have fixed it yourself by now.

The idea of having another man touch my machine makes my skin crawl :o

Sorry, not helpful I know, good luck with getting it sorted out anyway :)
If it was a pc, you could have fixed it yourself by now.

The idea of having another man touch my machine makes my skin crawl :o

Sorry, not helpful I know, good luck with getting it sorted out anyway :)

Was there actually any point to your post?
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