my machine is dead :( plz help

21 Jan 2005
thx for looking, and im sorry for the long description but:
my machine crashed yesterday for no apparent reason, now when i start it, the mobo LED lights up and the fans work, i can hear the cd rom doing something but nothing else seems to happen.

the awkward thing about my system is that it doesnt have a case speaker, so ive connected it to the speaker of my old system, then POST gives me a long beep then pause (in an endless loop) indicating to me that its memory. (the other strange thing is that the mobo is supposed to give me vocal POST messages, but i get beeps ?)

ive removed and reseated the ram, and tried a totally different stick (from a friends machine) and still it does the same thing.

another problem is my mobo doesnt have onboard gfx, and now my monitor doesnt click out of standby (although i know its ok, cause its working on my old machine) so i cant even tell if its getting to bios or not.

my system spec:
ASUS A8N SLI Premium
2gb corsair ram
athlon 2.4 dual core (think its 2.4)

im thinking that its probably my gfx card that is faulty, but any help is much appreciated (its a shame i cant get hold of another pci express card to try)
Take a look at the sticky at the top of this forum - 'how to fix...' - for more help.

You can try taking everything out of the case and running it with only the bare minimum attached to the mobo (gfx, RAM, hdd) and see what happens then.
ive had it stripped down to the minimum, and its the same, i still cant see whats happening due to nothing appearing on the monitor, my HDD activity LED isnt flashing either, (athough the drive is working with my other machine)

i looked through the sticky post first, but i cant see anything that helps
im thinking that its probably my gfx card that is faulty
what makes u think that?

another problem is my mobo doesnt have onboard gfx, and now my monitor doesnt click out of standby (although i know its ok, cause its working on my old machine)

look on a well known auction site for cheap pci gfx cards...

even if the mobo is dead the fans and mobo light will come on...the fact you dont have any hdd lights could mean its also your mobo as well...

any chance of checking your mobo?
ok thanks, i will keep that in mind about the mobo, i assumed everything would be completely dead if that was faulty, and you're right about the gfx card, i need to borrow or buy a cheap one to rule it out.

by the way, if ram was faulty but everything else was ok (mobo, cpu & gfx card) would the system still get to bios ?
znowman said:
ok thanks, i will keep that in mind about the mobo, i assumed everything would be completely dead if that was faulty, and you're right about the gfx card, i need to borrow or buy a cheap one to rule it out.

by the way, if ram was faulty but everything else was ok (mobo, cpu & gfx card) would the system still get to bios ?

ok, thanks for the help, when i get back to work on tues, i should be able to borrow a gfx card and do further tests, so until then im computerless :( (other than this antique machine im using now).
thanks again for the help
The vocal post comes out through the soundcard to speakers/amp wherever you have it connected to not the onboard speaker on your case.
Try a cmos reset if you haven`t already,sounds like a borked board.
znowman said:
ok thanks, i will keep that in mind about the mobo, i assumed everything would be completely dead if that was faulty, and you're right about the gfx card, i need to borrow or buy a cheap one to rule it out.

by the way, if ram was faulty but everything else was ok (mobo, cpu & gfx card) would the system still get to bios ?

I have exactly the same problem as you, same mobo, same memory, same processor (though mine is the 4200, sounds like yours is the 4400 or better?).

I have an XFX 7900GT and a Seasonic S12 500 PSU.

With my PC (arrived & built Saturday), it turns on and seems to be going for a few seconds (like you say, fans whirr, drives kick in), then it just dies - everything switches off (though mobo light stays on).

I'm leaning towards it being the mobo - my PSU should be more than capable - I've only got 1 DVD-R drive and 1 hard drive - no PCI at all.

Bizarre thing is with mine is that it managed to go a couple of times after persisting with hitting the power switch, and once it was going everything was a-OK - I even managed to install Windows, restarting several times. But the problem you have was there from the start, and I don't like to force it on, so I've left it now, and like you I'm trying to get to the root of the problem. It seems like part of the problem is cold-starting: like I say, once i was going, it stayed going until it had been off for a while, then it refused to go at all.
Problem solved (hopefully).

The problem is because of the twin 12v rails in the SeaSonic PSUs. The amperage is split in half down those two rails, and this is why the PC doesn't start. If you read the blurb, it all talks twin rails for Intel 775 chips - these PSUs aren't appropriate for AMD chips.

So you (and I - d'oh!) need to get a different PSU!

The guy on this thread had the same problem, and the repliers explain it much better than I can:
still not working, allthough ive tested the gfx card and ram in another machine, and they are fine, a friend mentioned he had a similar problem, and it was a virus that had destroyed his bios (not sure about this though).
i am 99% sure its the board, ive only had it about 8 months too :(
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