My Music folder help

21 Feb 2006
Southampton, UK
Is there any way in which you can point the 'my music' and 'my pictures' etc to another directory??

At the moment it's looking for the files in My Documents but i want it to look on a seperate partition? As i have all my music and pictures on a different partition so it's a bit more organised?

Failing that, how can i go about deleting a partition and adding the space back to just the one partition, preferably without having to do a complete reinstall?

EDIT, sorry this was for XP and MCE
You can move your My Documents folder and its child directories onto another partition easily. :)

Start -> Right click My Documents -> Properties -> Target tab -> Move/type the path manually.

Edit: ah, saw your edit. I'm not sure if this works for MCE, but I know it does for XP. :)
Etaqua said:
You can move your My Documents folder and its child directories onto another partition easily. :)

Start -> Right click My Documents -> Properties -> Target tab -> Move/type the path manually.

Edit: ah, saw your edit. I'm not sure if this works for MCE, but I know it does for XP. :)

Yes, but that moves the entire 'My Documents' directory. What you need to do is edit the shell folders values in the registry:

1.) Start > Run > regedit.exe > Enter

2.) HKCU > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > Shell Folders

3.) Double click My Music/My Pictures and change the values

4.) Reboot

Note: You may need to disable any spyware checkers whilst doing this as they may prevent you altering the shell folders :)
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