My New build, 5GHz & 11 Million pixels of awesomeness!!

The graphs are US shares. I specifically trade US penny stocks and in one sentence the strategy is "short selling pump and dumps".

I do not go anywhere near forex or spread betting. Quick way to lose your shirt ;)

Is there a good place you can recommend learning about penny stocks, or any good sites worth a read?. Please email in trust. I would love to learn a little :)
Here is a couple of videos I took of Crysis 2. First is ULTRA settings with hi res pack, direct x 11 and patch 1.9. It is responsive but too jerky to be playable:

Second is high quality settings with hi res textures turned off. Playable but not ultra smooth. Very responsive.

Must say, eyefinity is very immersive and much more impressive than I thought it would be :)
Yes, took the heatsinks off 2 of the sticks. Well, can call them heatsinks but they are just stuck on with sticky fixes lol.
Its pretty easy to find them. Run a scan for stocks that have jumped 100% plus over 3 days. Research each stock, if its not genuine news then you can dig deeper into the financials etc.

One of the latest jumped from .05c to $1+ over a few days. Had a market cap of $400 million at its highest. When you looked at the financials it had ZERO revenue and $531 in the bank. Ridiculous but true. Only one way that stock price was going lol!!
Hi how do i email you or get your email to ask same quetion on getting some tips on penny trading, i see you from beverley i live on kingswood after 25 years in beverley
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