My new ride

18 Mar 2006
Picked her up this afternoon. Absolutely blown away so far. Just a shame the rain hit after putting in 100Km on it. Not that I'm a fair weather rider, just when I've not had that much practice over the past 6 months, and I have no water proof kit, I think it was best I parked it up lol. Hopefully the weather will improve tomorrow! We shall see though :D.

BMW S1000RR Sport
Quick Shifter
BMW Motorrad Colours
Akrapovic Slip on exhaust






I'll update once I've had a chance to ride her properly. She still has the limiter on at the moment, got to do 500 miles before it gets removed, then I can go over 9000RPM, and then we should see the magic of the engine!
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90k rpm? Beemers rev high eh

Nice bike and the exhaust isn't stupidly big and overly angular like some.

90k.. I have no idea what you're on about... I definitely edited my post for other reasons :p.

Sweet mate, and tax free? whats the deal on these at the moment? are they still doing balloon deals?

Yeah tax free, plus MoD Discount, so saved around £4k, so can't complain :D.

At the moment, no deals that I know of, as they're so new. Sure there will be ones around soon though.
Cheers for all the comments guys. Not able to get out on it today which I'm well gutted about. Damn girlfriend wanting attention! hah.

Nice bike! and oh so fast.

Like the plate on it, it's like short hand for looking for 12 AK'z init :D

I do like the reg, shame it's only a temporary plate though before I export it. Will get something new in about 8 weeks lol.

Very very nice, like those a lot :cool:

For me the current bike to own, enjoy !!

Has been my current bike to own since I saw the original out on a bike night in Poole. Never ever thought I'd own one though :D.
Verryy sweet, jesus, can that tail end get any pointier lol :-) Nice bike mate, although not too fussed on the pointy front... but yeah. wow... bet you're made up. What did you pay for her, if you don't mind me asking?

I love the pointedness, looks like an angry wasp lol. A lot more angular than my GSX-R 750 K1 lol. But yeah, totally made up. Just want the weather to improve, and the girlfriend to go back to work, and I'll be smashing out the miles on it :D.
Paid £11.8k, but that was tax free and with an MoD discount. Should have been over £15k for that spec.
But some riders going to a high power sports bike keep the limiter to stop themselves yanking the throttle and ending up on their arse with the bike a mile down the road :p

However, that is something I won't be doing :p. Can't wait to get it de-limited and start enjoying the power band of the engine :D.

Nice bike! Welcome back, buddy. Enjoy your new toy on your POTL! It looks ace.

Cheers dude. I'm already loving my POTL :D. Got nearly 3 months off in total including my annual leave that I've built up.

Haha, Im very cautious of getting a sports bike as my first after all these comments regarding it. Just found out the Honda cb500 I'm learning all does 0-60 in 4.9s. Mannn, it feels a lot slower and safer than that. Obviously I just don't know how to work the machine properly yet.

Sports bikes are only as fast as your right wrist. That said, a 1000cc bike is exceptionally powerful and wouldn't make a good first bike. However, a 600cc supersport is more than fine, if you're sensible!

Good review there. Agree on many of the points!
One thing I've really found is how usable it is at low speed. I found it possible to pretty much get it into 6th while doing 25-30mph, and the engine would be fine, wouldn't struggle along, and would quite happily pick up speed when required. It's extraordinary.

You can disable both the TCS and ABS using the left function button. It'll never be disabled by default in any of the modes though.

Just want to get the engine fully run in so I can start enjoying the full power of the engine! This weather is rather disappointing!
Epic, perfect timing to enjoy your bike! I got mine last year in the second week of my six week POTL, so spent the rest of it riding around in the sun. Luckily the weather was fantastic, but it looks like you've got some poor luck with the current weather!

How much further until the engine is fully run-in?

Still another 350 miles to go. I'm visiting family at the moment, so my riding time is really cut at the moment. Once I get back home, I'll be free to smash the miles, get it un-restricted, and enjoy it fully then. Hopefully the wearer will improve though. Brand new tires, and a 193bhp engine are scary things in the rain lol.
You've definitely got this bike in the best colour scheme, I test rode a red/white one and it really did not suit it!.

I hope you've got a big lock to be sticking that outside your house!. I would worry 24/7 about it being stolen or being dicked about with if it were mine, it really puts me off owning a new & desirable bike again :(

I really like the Red/White one, but there is just something that bit more special about the motorrad colour scheme that I love :D. It is quite a love/hate bike in the looks department, but I love it though and though. The Asymmetric headlights are a feature I really like :D.

And yeah, it's garaged at all times. If it ever won't be, it'll have a heavy thatcham approved chain on the rear, and a good disk lock on the front, and also thrown under a cover.
Interesting page about breaking the engine in.

Seems to disagree with the traditional methods of keeping revs below x rpm. Get out there and give it some proper revs :D

I've seen run ins done like that, but it has been on bikes that are being used in trackdays and what not. As Morbius said, it dramatically shortens engine life. To be fair though the break in period is for me as well, has been a while since I've had big runs on bikes lol.

I take it your bike has the conrod bolts torqued correctly? :D

Hah, yes, spoke to the dealer as soon as I heard about the issue, and my frame number falls outside of the issue thankfully.
Seems to say that the condition of the engine is actually better by using this method though. The pictures seem to back that up too.

Ah right in, fair enough lol. I'm on my phone at the moment, so I've not fully read the article. I'd have thought the problem may lie with people not varying their rev range, and just being lazy, assuming that because they have a limiter on, it'll be fine. I'm smashing though different gears and rev rangers, even though I'm not going above 9000. Hopefully it should be all good.
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