My new water build...

Are you sure the 240mm rad is an XSPC RX240? With the 2 rads sat next to each other they look to be the same height. Plus, to me, the fin spacing looks too tight.

Still nice looking build.

I'm assuming that board uses a bridging chip to get that many PCI-e lanes. Have you have any issues with it?

Yeah i got it wrong, it's an RS240 35mm thick, i think that's because i wanted the rx240 as width didn't really matter.

The board runs perfect, no problems at all. I use the two x16 slots for my gpu's, but they took up two slots each due to the coolers, but now i've gone water cooled it doesn't matter. Also got a wifi-bluetooth card plugged in too, all works fine. Just wish that the pci slot was at the bottom for my sound card, although the onboard sound is actually quite good.

I think rjk was answering a suggetsion from another member :)

I just re-read a few posts and realise this now.

yeah, bulldog was saying you should go for a dual pump/loop solution.

which is totally unnecessary

As above just re-read. I think it would be over kill too on this single loop, as i only use the pump at slow to medium speeds for good results.

No reason really, but if you look at the last picture, you'll see i now use a solid bridge connector instead. Just looks a little neater.

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