My pc won't boot

30 May 2006
I bought a new PSU which arrived today. After installing it my pc started for about 10 seconds and then went out. I noticed that i neglected to plug in my water pump. Now my machine won't boot properly. It starts for 10 secs and 3 secs after I hear the usual *beep* the pc goes off. Nothing ever appears on the screen. Is it possible for my overclocked P805 or ATI1800 XT to go bust within 10secs of non cooling?
I tried to put back my old PSU but still the same problem.

Help!!! :(
I guess it could have gone bang.. but I thought the auto-shut off protected you from that.

Is there something in the BIOS that you need to reset to allow you to restart??!
pcAnywhere said:
I guess it could have gone bang.. but I thought the auto-shut off protected you from that.

Is there something in the BIOS that you need to reset to allow you to restart??!

Can the system go bust in 10-15 secs? Also i cant access bios.
I tried clearing cmos but now am faced with a new situation. The system starts up and stays there without any *beeps* and without busting out after couple of secs. Screen remains black. Could the new PSU screwed up my pc?

P805 clocked to 4ghz
gskill ram 800mhz
ati 1800 xt
3 hds
asus 975 p4w deluxe
tagan 580W and Nesteq 620W
Swiftech water cooling system
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So it starts up without any beeps atm?

If so try taking your RAM out and see if it beeps then.
If it does beep thats a good thing...

After that try re-seating the cpu if it isnt too much effort.

See how it goes and tell us whats going on. :)

Took the rams out for a minute then plugged them in again and the system boots :D What could have been the problem?

I can now test my new semi fanless nesteq 620w ;)
Meh, pc's like being annoying :P

Re-seating stuff tends to sort out a lot of booting issues.

Glad you fixed it :)
could have knocked a stick loose when changing PSU, could have been ever so minor you didnt notice.
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