My poor car:(

Grrrr I feel for you matey.

Every piece of bodywork damage on my car has been caused by 3rd parties. In the 2.5 years I've had it I've had it they've managed over £1000 worth of scrapes and bumps.

If I ever catch someone damaging my car then I'm not going to be held responsible for my actions! :mad:

**EDIT - 2000th post..Yay :)**

/OT Isn't Mark McGowan the twit who thought that leaving taps running and wasting water was 'art'? What an imbecile.

Not much more I can add - just really sorry for you. I just don't know what possesses people to do such things
:mad: :mad: :mad:

This and muncher's incident remind me that there are some people in the world whose mentality I will never understand.

Shoot 'em all.
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