My recommended games for older/slower PCs

You should really add some games to the strategy genre:

Theme Hospital.
OpenTTD ( or just Transport tycoon deluxe).
Sim city 3000 or sim city 2k.

Really needs GTA 3
Mohaa is still very good too, omaha landing is a classic.

Commander keen 4: Secret of the oracle
Commander keen 1
Commender keen Dreams.

Oh and definatly add worms armageddon/ worms world party, duno what genre, but still great to play this day, mp at least.
I tried GTA3 on an older system and it was pretty unplayable.
MOHAA I didn't really rate, a poor man's COD, and as I alluded to in my opening, it's kind of a personal list at heart :) Feel free to write a little about why you think it is great though.

Have added Theme Hospital and TTD to the list of populars.
I recommend a fps called Global Operations, similar to counterstrike in away. Although im not sure why it didnt take off too well. Good single player tho , as well as multi , but no one plays that anymore.
hate to be obvious but quake3 :) source engine games could even run on that rig??

Maybes add the older rainbow 6 games, if they work in xp/vista atleast :)
Age of Empires 2 + The Conquerors (lots of addons for this, some excellent campaigns out there including a later-era Mongol one).

Although I've played that to the death, with some modern games out there I can't see it offer anything unique, or said better: It's boring these days compared to other games.

I went on holidays with a poor lappy ( 8 mb gfx, 192mb ram, 800 mhz p3) and had aoe2 + exp installed, but never actually played it, played others like RA2, GTA2, Transport Tycoon and Cossacks back to war.
Any one heard of Anachronox it's great game and will run on said sytem i have it running on my old rig 2800 sempron and gf2 mx gfx card but will run on something smaller look it up you will not regret it.
A well under rated game.
Yeah, the first Soldier of Fortune Game! The 2nd one i never got far cuz of a sneaking around part early in the game...I like killing things!
All great suggestions, the list definitely needs the likes of UT, Q3, Homeworld, AOE2 and so on. As for GTA3, you'll probably find that Vice City runs better on old hardware as they put much more time in optimising it, and personally it's still my favourite of the series. Another old game that is often underrated is Dungeon Keeper 2, which in my view is at least as good as the original and, as it's fully 3D, still looks good on modern hardware. Also on the RPG side you might want to put Neverwinter Nights and Dungeon Siege, I remember them being released almost at the same time as Morrowind and between them there is something for everyone.
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Another vote for Xwing (although it had some insanely difficult missions!) and tie fighter. Tie fighter probably being the best as it had such a great storyline to it.
Diablo 2, god i remember the hours of homework time wasted playing that online.

Fallout 1 & 2 are defo games that should be played also.
fantastic! keep adding to this! compile some huge list! :)

sticky this pleeeease!!

also i can vouch for Theme Hospital, many hours popping peoples heads and cutting off peples slack tnogues :) so much fun! and it runs on anything!

also another one is Starcraft & broodwar - i have played this for 3-4 years.. single player is fun, even better online, and again this runs on any system tbh! i sill play this today online, apparenty its a 2nd sport in South Korea.. some people make a lot of money from it...

once again, great post... STICKY! :)
Id definately put mohaa on there.

I installed it yesterday for some fun, and its running on my GeForce 7200 Go on the laptop getting 150fps+.
Although I've played that to the death, with some modern games out there I can't see it offer anything unique, or said better: It's boring these days compared to other games.

As opposed to the repeated ad nauseum C&C\Red Alert gameplay? It got boring after the first editions of each..
Not imo, RA2 is nicer to play than aoe2 anyways these days, even with hundreds of aoe2 scenrario's, I still far prefer a quick standard match of RA.

AOE2 is just as repeative:

3 villy's, house, loom, villy's nonstop till enough food for feudal, rush to castle for 2nd TC, make upto 75-100 villy's, during that time aggresively lock in the enemy with towers or keep pressure on his economy/resource points, make a big attack force in the background, finish off enemy, win.

Every ''standard'' game...
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