my rig

yeah well i have considered buying a 600w zalman psu, i like the idea of having a heat pipe cooled psu, guess i'll have to wait for this one to go before i change over.
lol, yeah you want to try having to take this case to a lan party or to the repair shop if anything goes wrong, lets just say if anything goes wrong that i hope that its a nice summer day :)
lol, yeah you want to try having to take this case to a lan party or to the repair shop if anything goes wrong, lets just say if anything goes wrong that i hope that its a nice summer day :)

In which case you'd simply need to put it in a bin bag and carry it. ;)
cheers dakotacs.

come to think about it this might actually be 22" i can't remember right since i threw out all of the instruction manuals/boxes etc... months back, all that i know is that its an acer/2ms response time bought off OCUk about 8 months ago. If i remember right i bought it as a budget monitor since my last one started developing dead pixels. I can't find out any more information about it since i threw away all the packaging and manuals and it does'nt say anything on the monitor itself. I know that i have confused 22" for 24" inch before now because i could'nt tell much difference. a lot of things have happened between now and then anyway in my own personal life that has distracted me from upgrading my rig.

on some monitors, if you press the menu button on them, they tell you what they are ;)
if not it'll tell you in windows.
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