My rigs.

Right, well X8 is now finished.

Three OSes installed all running lovely. So, ever onwards and upwards. If you thought X8 was tacky then God help you !

Better don your sunglasses, kid.

Here is what I have on order.


X2 in orange

And of course..

And yellow.. Check...

And these for the 480


Now I had a few ideas, and my media PC is now no longer needed thanks to a few set top boxes from pretty much every big supplier of movies. So, I was toying with the idea of using the AMD Kabini but then I got a small windfall from my lovely lady and went with this.


Which of course makes sense. I didn't realise it did this before I bought it, bonus !

Some ram. Didn't exactly want 2133 mad bugger ram but hey it's orange.

Cooler, so overclocking is most definitely in.

I'm using my Corsair 250D. Oh yeah, power supply.

Now I know 1250w is just stupid but I got it so cheap I could not say no (£69). A good 650w with enough PCIE power connectors was £65 so I'd have been crazy to pass it up. I doubt it will find a place in this rig, but no doubt I will swap it out with one from one of my other rigs and use something else.

Either a RM750 or EVGA G1000.

Total overkill but then I've always been careful with my power supplies.
Not sure if it will need updating tbh, though it may.

If it does I'll just order something older, flash it, then send it back.

But yeah, should definitely overclock :)
So more materials. First up, some of this.

Two A3 sheets of coloured acrylic. Being a small project I doubt I would need any more.

And then.

And of course, the plotter itself.

Hey thanks man ! she's had a bit more work done since..

Now got a MNPCtech grille in the front and some carbon. I have a pair of black light cathodes I've been meaning to fit for ages too. Maybe I'll do that before I get started with the DFI build :)
Wow crazy build. I don't know what to think of the Apple build, I absolutely love white builds but its something about the CPU cooler that just doesn't appeal to me. Saying that, I don't know of any other ways you could have done it aha.

Nice builds!.

The cooler was made to look like something they would make. The plate on the top was polished and the logo is right about where it would be on say a phone.

You also have to remember - it was free. Cost nada. That is usually the philosophy of my builds, to make things cheaply that look nice. Maybe some people missed the fact that for an 8 core 16 threaded monster with a R9 290 I spent £450 total and that included all of the materials?

One thing I can't stand is these ten grand build logs where the PC costs about ten grand. At that sort of money anyone can make something look nice. I'm the old fashioned modder who makes things with his £25 rotary tool and £9 heat gun.

All of my graphics up until this point have been hand cut, plotters are for the rich. Not that I'm rich by any means but I finally have one now. Won't stop me and my 'grass roots' modding though.

Years ago people used to post their builds no matter how much they cost. Now days? people are scared to, because there are people with ten grand lobbing money around. Modding has become extremely snobbish, and that's a shame.

The case for X8 cost me £19.

Any way, back to DFI. The power supply came. Crikey, it's very big and very heavy lol. Memory came also, rest is apparently coming soon. I will try and gret some pics later if I can get some decent light in here.
OK PSU got. Very large, very heavy unit. Nice though. And the ram.

What I was expecting.

What I actually got.

I'm not sure whether I am happy or annoyed. I like the look of it stock better than the stuff I actually wanted but the options for cutting graphics and having a place to stick them are far more limited :(

Still, ever onward and upwards.
You know that that RAM is different speeds, hence why it looks different?

Top is 2400, bottom is 2133

Which did you purchase?

They all looked the same dude. They've obviously updated the cooling on all of them. By updated I mean made it cheaper lol. Ah well, I still like it, just have to think a bit harder about branding it.

OK, cabling. So the PSU has a 24 pin built into it, as well as a couple of GPU runs and the EPS. The rest is modular. Now I don't want to commit myself to it being yellow and orange in case I ever decide to switch it out. So, what I've done is this.Bought a 4 pin extension (board is 4 pin)

And a 24 pin extension.

For a total of £3.50. This means that I can braid through acrylic (like I did with X8) and the PSU still be removable and that if I want I can simply remove the modular cables I braid and the PSU will remain stock (very important on a £250 PSU)
Holy crap, look what I found !

A DFI modding kit. Includes two runs of orange braid (3ft) 20 luminous cable ties and two orange SATA cables.

Yippee !!! original DFI too and only a fiver.
Fantastic builds,great workmanship. I doff my hat to you.

*bows gracefully*

Thanks !

I just like to show that you can create custom parts easily, in a way that any one can do it. I've started doing a tutorial thread here..

Which should end up covering everything should you fancy rolling up your sleeves and being creative :)

I'm trying to bring modding back. Back when people would post their rig without feeling ashamed that it doesn't stand up to the £10,000 all water cooled rigs.
OK so some stuffs arrived.

Black Dinoc
Yellow Dinoc
Orange Dinoc
Orange acrylic sheet
Yellow acrylic sheet
Orange spray paint
Orange braid

Sadly it's not enough for me to get started on anything.

I've put these on order

They're for my Sunbeam fan controller. I've also ordered...

4 pin power

One of these

Two of these

And two of these.

More soon.
I'm getting into this one hole per wire business atm. It's a bit of a nightmare, but having a clean shiny sheet of acrylic just sprouting cables just looks too good not to :D

It's hard work, and after the last one I did (and the first too !) I swore I wouldn't do it again. But the 250D has an area which would be perfect for a floor plate, and bringing the cables up through it wire by wire will look frickin sweet. (he says in his best Peter Griffin voice)
That Apple rig looks superb,Really nice job!..gonna sub to this topic! :)

Thanks ! nice to know you like it :)

It's running very well now. Everything has settled in lovely, and I have Windows on the triple RAID array.

Have been using it for editing photos and it absolutely flies :)

DFI is going to be fun.
absolutely great builds, some people complain about mac build, I think final product looks increadible

Ah yes of course there's that.

I don't work to renders, so the final look of a build is always in my head right until the very last.

I did think about learning how to use a 3d studio and I'm usually very quick to learn but it just ruins it. I already know what DFI will look like for the most part :)

Plus there's always the ideas that come in along the way that make things better. If I made a render then I would be painting to numbers which I don't like the idea of.

It may be a few weeks until I get started because some of the ideas I had meant ordering parts from China, and I need to wait for a nice sunny wind free day to paint (I live on the beach so wind free is rare lol) but yeah, can't wait to get stuck in tbh :D
I thought some of his stuff was looking very elegant until there was an obsession with stickers, everywhere! It was like, stick one here, here, here and here. Oh another spot and here. Then the elegance faded away.

Apple's branding looks nothing like this. It's usually one logo or two on Mac Pro's side panels. Plus it's a pretty subtle grey logo. You just need to google and you see most of their stuff is all muted silver and dark greys or black without any internal branding. Both the tower with the handles and the 2014 model.

I'm not trying to rip him apart.

The white just seems too extreme for Apple unless you were after the early 2000s style.

From what I recall the outside of a Mac Pro was a panel with an Apple on. You take the side off, there was branding on top of the cooler/s depending on how many CPUs you had.

I branded the cooler, I branded a couple of drives. I added an Intel logo because I wanted to.

None of it is bodged, nowhere are there gaps or ill fitting hardware.

So as I continually keep saying - it's all subjective.

I've seen a million builds I don't like. I don't feel the need to point this out, because I am fully aware that this is just my opinion and as such if I point out my opinion and it's out of order then I look bad.

Trying to make others look bad usually results in one looking bad, it really is as simple as that.

What you and your merry little band need to realise is that your opinion isn't going to change anything because I am of my own mind. I build rigs for me, not for you. As such you pointing out you don't like it is just that, you not liking it. But as I continually keep saying, ain't making it for you am I?

My aim is to get people modding again. To show them that you can have some skill and not need to plaster sponsors all over the place as a show of force. I have no sponsors, I would reject any any way because then I am not building or modding for me. I am doing it with some one else, for some one else, with a time frame slapped on that I then need to adhere to.

But any way, all of that gay banter aside? I am not here to bloody advertise for some one. I do what I want to and that's that.

Modding is taking your PC and making it better. Better in your mind. It's people like you that have come along into people's builds and put them off and made them feel bad about themselves. You really ought to be ashamed of yourself.

What I find hilarious is that one of my critics actually did build a PC and showed it off and his use of Plastidip was awful. Patches here, not painted properly there. Did I point it out to him? of course I didn't. Because I hate to be that guy.

Whatever. I built all of my rigs to what I wanted and I ain't about to change now, or stop.
OK so that's the power supply sorted.

I had to switch out two other PSUs to get to it ! right old PITA but it's now packed and ready to be fitted. Whist I was there my lady asked if I could try and make her rig quieter. I switched around some fans and added some quieter 120mm Xilence fans to her rig, and ended up with a set of these.

Now that's what I'm talking about :D
When I said this a few pages ago it did not go down well.

I don't understand it, Andy. You have said at least twice that you are building them for yourself, but you aren't building them just for yourself. You're building them and posting them here so you can get a pat on the back from people about your work. As someone said, you have to take the rough with the smooth.

That's where you have it wrong. Notice the thread is called "My rigs". I do not have separate threads where each build gets full attention.

So it's clear you don't know me very well, nor the sort of person I am. I don't want anything, I just want to be able to express myself.

Have you seen that really crap bloke on the X Factor? Stevie something? he's rubbish, like, totally terrible. Yet, he's enjoying himself and he's having fun and even funnier people are actually voting for him because they like him.

Your sort just go around trying to upset people. I've been called a chav, yet, I'm more of a goth/metal type of person. All said to insult me of course.

There are plenty of builds here and elsewhere that you can pop along to and give your opinion on. I'm not interested, as nothing you could put to me would be helpful. I know what I want, and, I will achieve it.

As far as I can make out you've had as many (if not more) positive comments than not positive, and the styles you've gone for are fairly bright/shiny. You clearly have a problem with the expensive builds, but no one is criticising you for doing all this with low cost. The "varied comments" are about your designs and colour schemes, I think.

You do realise I have ASD right? has that occurred to you?

ASD, or Autism Spectrum Disorder is a form of autism, supposedly milder than full blown autism. I have all of my faculties, therefore, I just see the world differently to you.

That means, and is not limited to -

I like zombies. A lot.
I like skulls and flames, a lot.
I like bright colours.
I like bright lights, as they stimulate my senses.

And there you are, telling me not to be who I am and not to be autistic?

Don't worry, I also have an IQ of 152, more than enough to see through things. And what you and others have said to me has been grossly offensive.

As I said, you're telling me not to like what I like. And, when I disagree I'm called a chav. Nice !

It all reminds me of a Christian brigade, desperately trying to convert a gay person back to being hetrosexual.

You're not going to get very far, so if I were you I would just give up.

I don't like being praised either. That's why my thread (note singular, not plural) has about as much fanfare as a wet fart in the bath.

Repetitive behaviour in people with autism is not the same as OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), which is an anxiety disorder in which people experience repetitive thoughts and behaviours that are upsetting to them.
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I've not seen anything particularly offensive being said, some people just saying they like it, or dislike certain aspects. Also The fact you have ASD wouldn't really occur to someone from just reading a few posts of yours on a forum.

Either way, good job, even if certain aspects aren't to taste.

I've been called tasteless, a chav, god knows what else.

Life offers you opportunities to just walk by things you don't like. You don't have to stop and say what you think. I'm an Aspie and trust me, a filter is something I was not born with and it shows.

So I've spent most of my life taking therapy to stop me saying things to others that are ill thought through and possibly harmful.

But all of that aside? you don't need to stop off and criticise people, especially when they didn't ask you for it. If I were sponsored and throwing around thousands of pounds worth of stuff? then by all means criticise.

This is nothing but a hobby and something I enjoy. That's all. I'm not showing off I'm just keeping my mind away from depression. Yeah, I become obsessed with things, probably too much. But I don't have that stop button that neurotypicals have. Something is never too enjoyable and I never feel 'full' as it were.

Any way, let's get back to the build now.

OK so the first real update. The DFI modding kit came, along with two lovely orange SATA cables.

And here is where I am at with the GPU, starting with the back.

And the front.

Once the back plate is done I can get it all bolted back together.
Finally something is going sorta right. So my plotter arrived.

Time for some fun, if you can call it that.

And the top. Note - it's not finished yet I still have the TFIII logos to cut.

And a quick one round the back...

And it's safe to say, me and this plotter are getting along fine :)
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