You've just gone through several different routines over the course of about a month. What happened sticking to the sticky? It's about 1000x better than these routines that you're inventing yourself...I mean that one there looks rubbish IMO.
If you have to invent something the for back and tri's as a beginner, stick to the basics. Deadlifts. Dips. Then maybe add a few isolations like skull crushers and rows. There's no point in starting to think about targeting traps when you're only deadlifting 40kg.
I get the impression that you want to find some kind of shortcut by constantly shifting between all these routines. It's not going to work if you're constantly jumping around all over the shop, so just pick one like the sticky, with big compound movements, stop worrying about your traps, and stick to it! Sounds like you also still need to figure out what it is you want form this in the short term. I know you ultimately want to be big and defined, but there isn't some magic way in one routine to make that happen. Decide if you want to start losing fat, or start building some strength, then adjust your diet and amount of weight accordingly.
Seriously, just do the sticky routine or a stronglifts one and follow it to the letter. This has all been said before.