My routine now, any good?

You've just gone through several different routines over the course of about a month. What happened sticking to the sticky? It's about 1000x better than these routines that you're inventing yourself...I mean that one there looks rubbish IMO.

If you have to invent something the for back and tri's as a beginner, stick to the basics. Deadlifts. Dips. Then maybe add a few isolations like skull crushers and rows. There's no point in starting to think about targeting traps when you're only deadlifting 40kg.

I get the impression that you want to find some kind of shortcut by constantly shifting between all these routines. It's not going to work if you're constantly jumping around all over the shop, so just pick one like the sticky, with big compound movements, stop worrying about your traps, and stick to it! Sounds like you also still need to figure out what it is you want form this in the short term. I know you ultimately want to be big and defined, but there isn't some magic way in one routine to make that happen. Decide if you want to start losing fat, or start building some strength, then adjust your diet and amount of weight accordingly.

Seriously, just do the sticky routine or a stronglifts one and follow it to the letter. This has all been said before.
You've just gone through several different routines over the course of about a month. What happened sticking to the sticky? It's about 1000x better than these routines that you're inventing yourself...I mean that one there looks rubbish IMO.

If you have to invent something the for back and tri's as a beginner, stick to the basics. Deadlifts. Dips. Then maybe add a few isolations like skull crushers and rows. There's no point in starting to think about targeting traps when you're only deadlifting 40kg.

I get the impression that you want to find some kind of shortcut by constantly shifting between all these routines. It's not going to work if you're constantly jumping around all over the shop, so just pick one like the sticky, with big compound movements, stop worrying about your traps, and stick to it! Sounds like you also still need to figure out what it is you want form this in the short term. I know you ultimately want to be big and defined, but there isn't some magic way in one routine to make that happen. Decide if you want to start losing fat, or start building some strength, then adjust your diet and amount of weight accordingly.

Seriously, just do the sticky routine or a stronglifts one and follow it to the letter. This has all been said before.

Can you tell me why the one I have done is no good? As far as I can see I have targeted every muscle in the back with it.
Because as a beginner it's no good targeting single groups like that with tiny amounts of weight. You need to do big compound lifts which work your entire body, shocking your body into producing growth hormone amongst other things.

Of the routine you've got there, keep deadlifts but at least lift your own body weight if you're happy with form. A few sets of sufficiently heavy DL's will smash your entire back infinitely harder than that entire routine you've got there. Keep the dum rows. Those two if done properly and with enough weight will work your entire back. If you're strong enough add in some pullups, or if not some lat pulldowns on the machine. That's plenty for the back. For the triceps substitute the pulldowns for dips and/or skullcrushers. you'd be better doing tri's on the same day as chest as they'll also get hammered with benching.

We're all telling you the same thing though regarding the sticky or stronglift routines. These things exist for a reason and I'm not sure why you think you can come up with somethign better when you admittedly claim to be a noob? We're trying to help you here but there's just no point in asking for advice if you're intent on circumventing it for something you think looks better.
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Ok I understand, It's just that I see these individual exercises and I see the results that come with them and I immediately want to do them. My brain annoys me as much as it annoys you trust me! And as for the deadlifts, I struggle with weak muscles in the lower back and abs (basically due to sitting on my rear for most of the day) so I'm trying to break it in slowly (hence the 40k lifts) and some crunches on the swiss ball.

Nothing wrong with starting off low, best to make sure your forms spot on, although I'd be pretty shocked if you couldn't lift bodyweight easily as you don't look like a naturally weak guy from your pics. Honestly when just starting out, I guarantee you'll build more muscle over your entire body by jut doing heavy dead and squats than you ever will by doing all the isolations under the sun.

The most important thing is just to stick to a solid routine. You'll never get anywhere if you're always darting around doing half arsed lifts. Pick one, stick to it, work hard, eat well, get big. There's no easier way.
Nothing wrong with starting off low, best to make sure your forms spot on, although I'd be pretty shocked if you couldn't lift bodyweight easily as you don't look like a naturally weak guy from your pics. Honestly when just starting out, I guarantee you'll build more muscle over your entire body by jut doing heavy dead and squats than you ever will by doing all the isolations under the sun.

The most important thing is just to stick to a solid routine. You'll never get anywhere if you're always darting around doing half arsed lifts. Pick one, stick to it, work hard, eat well, get big. There's no easier way.

Thanks man, will give it a go for a while. Also I have never done squats and I am a little nervous about doing them. Mainly because there is limited equipment at my gym and I will have to physically lift the bar up off the ground and back down again.(terrible gym) Also I don't think I will be able to manage bodyweight deadlifts 3x8 if I'm honest, I will give it a go but I very much doubt it. I'm not as strong as I look!
Squats on the smith will be fine until you're strong & confident enough to boost of an olympic bench and walk backwards.

Isolations offer little in comparison to compounds. They have their place, which is a very small one in a beginners routine. If I had a pound for each person I've seen walk straight into a gym and start isolating specific muscles I'd be a rich man.
Squats on the smith will be fine until you're strong & confident enough to boost of an olympic bench and walk backwards.

Isolations offer little in comparison to compounds. They have their place, which is a very small one in a beginners routine. If I had a pound for each person I've seen walk straight into a gym and start isolating specific muscles I'd be a rich man.

That's the thing, It is a cable machine not a smith machine. Time to find a new gym then??
Due to time constraints I having to do this, is it ok ie cover all bases?

mon: db flat or incline bench, flyes, OH tri extension or skullcrushers
tues : deadlifts, oar, bor
weds : front squat, sldl, lunges or weighted step ups.
thurs : OHPress, cleans , curls

Saturday I do a full body workout

deadlifts, db bench, OHPress, BOR, skullcrushers, db curls.

Weekdays I only get around 1/2hr to train at the moment but I am hitting each group twice a week so its all good yes?
I wouldn't be eating 500 calories under your MBR. The way to do it is drop your calories down to your MBR, say for example 2000 per day and then exercise yourself with CV into that defecit. Eating 1500 calories with little exercise wont return you great progress. Eating 2000 calories, burning 3-400 with some CV will utilise more fat.

Ahh thats what I meant, just forgot about MBR bit... Cheers for rectifying it though :D!
I've tweaked my back more times doing DB rows than deadlifts. Never had any trouble whatsoever with the deadlift.
Twisting of body while lifting?

The time I tweaked my back doing them I think was due to not warming up properly and twisting. Nothing major though, just 2-3 days off.

One of my intercostal muscles "popped" doing DB rows one time as well, thought I'd herniated or something. There is a new crest of muscle at that point, but no pain.

Deadlifts? Nothing!
Ok just got back from my newly made back/tricep/traps routine, went really well I thought (feeling it so must have done something).

3x8 One-arm dumbell row 30kg I wouldn't row before deadlifting.
3x8 Deadlift 40kg far too low compared to rows. do at least 60kg so the bar is at the right hight. I see far too many guys in the gym with 10kg on each side stopping before the floor :rolleyes:
3x8 Smiths Tricep pulldowns 35kg poor choice of exercise IMO
3x8 Smiths Straight bar pulldowns 35k same. CGBP or dips are better
3x8 Standing dumbell upright rows 12.5k each arm. Dreadful exercise, especially if you're using it for trap development. How did you not come across shrugs first??

I think that is a good routine for now (I think) followed by 1.5 scoops whey. It is not :p Also, 1.5 scoops of Myprotein whey is 30g; why are you doing this?

Any ideas on improvements?
:D yes some

Please take this in the constructive way it is intended.

Sponge, you are not a special little flower. Your situation is no different to THOUSANDS of other people just starting out. There is a very good reason people keep recommending the things they do; it's because the basic exercises and compound lifts are good for beginners. That includes people in your exact situation, no if buts or maybes.

You're problem is that you are not focusing on what you want. You say you don't like your bodyfat level, which is fine. But then make that your focus for a while and put building muscle on hold for a few weeks (that's literally all it might take if you do things properly).

Stop deciding you want to see individual muscles get bigger as this is not useful at your stage. I suspect you also have a tendancy to look at other chaps and decide that you want [whatever] bodypart to look like theirs. This is also not useful.

Do the sticky to the letter, and make sure your form is good. Do NOT aim to shift big weights, aim to make sure you are lifting properly.
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