My sons first YouTube

Done! Fair play to him, I wouldn't have a clue where to start and he seems to know all the switches... Keep it up young'un
Rubbish simulation... that aircraft takes off! How unrealistic. :-)

I wasn't the one who gave it a thumbs down though, promise! There's always someone ready to be negative, which is a shame, because I think he did a really good job. I used to fly a lot of sims, but I was never interested in all the knob twiddling... just get me up so I can do the birdy thing! But this kind of methodical learning has to be good for your lad in other ways.

Well done to him, and to you for encouraging him.
Thanks all. Made him super happy. I did say he wont get many likes unless I do a little promotion ;-)

Yeah not sure why anyone would dislike a just turned 8 year old showing the world what he knows about a 737-800 in a simulator. Thankfully he'll just see it as positive criticism and find some reason to improve.

I'll show him these kind words too!
I watched all of the video and thoroughly enjoyed it. I haven't taken a look at any flight sims for a long time and the level of detail in these sorts of games is amazing. Well done. :)
This is super cool honestly! very advanced for his age!

Please for the love of god get him Reentry at some point turn him into a little astronaut

here is a video of mine of the Apollo V launch sequence. As for the sim itself It's shockingly accurate to the point i was using reproduced apollo flight manuals to figure out a lot of this stuff.
I learnt how to fly a small plane (Cesna 172?) in Xplane 11, so know how much effort he put into learning a 737! Well done young man and good on ya Dad for encouraging him. Great stuff :)
nicely done ... with a vr headset it be more nicer for him good stuff what software did use to record cheers
We have a first gen vive that he has used one or twice, but we're (read his mum) is not keen on him using it too much as his brain develops. Might be a little over protective, but well that's parenting.

We use OBS and a virtual cam called x-split for the software based green screen. We got it off a 3rd party site for about £9.
Thumbs up from me. Really well done, and no 5 minute intro before anything happens! Tell him to keep them coming, but do it for himself and not the likes.
Nice, thumbs up. When I was 8 (in 1992) I just about mastered the Chung Li spinning bird kick and Zangief atomic pile driver on SNES Street fighter 2 :D
There will always be thumbs down & negative comments, it’s the internet remember. Probably better there is as encourages room for improvement and all that
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