Seriously nice photos. Great location and wow the lighting!! And a well detailed car to make the most of it. What time of day was it?
I like these, how much did it set you back olv?
Seriously nice photos. Great location and wow the lighting!! And a well detailed car to make the most of it. What time of day was it?
I've only looked at these on the iPad and my phone, but did you manage to make use of the funky walls down on Chelsea bridge wharf in the pictures, it's quite hypnotic in the sun !
Not my thing, but nice pictures and a nice example
im sure these are a great car to drive, but i persoinally can get over its looks, can't stand it, looks like a pregnant skateboard.
Sounds well worth the money and looks great, especially the interior is super!
How do you find the seats on longer journeys? Are they wearing well as well?