My TT quattro Sport

I've only looked at these on the iPad and my phone, but did you manage to make use of the funky walls down on Chelsea bridge wharf in the pictures, it's quite hypnotic in the sun !
I like these, how much did it set you back olv?

It was a bit under £10k. I paid a premium for the condition and it is low mileage (not something I was particularly looking for) at 39,000. It also had a full service (cambelt, tensioners, pump), new plugs, new n75 valve and I was confident in the history of the car. The lady that owned it before she passed it on to volkswizard had it for 4 years, she bought a new scirocco but didn't feel the need to sell the TT for 6 months. It appears the car hasn't wanted for anything really.

You can pick up a regular-high mileage one for £8-9k if you're not picky on colour (I wanted Avus silver) and cars that were specced without the recaros also take a hit.

Seriously nice photos. Great location and wow the lighting!! And a well detailed car to make the most of it. What time of day was it?

Thanks, definitely not detailed though, just a quick wash and wax. Ray got it right, about 1pm so really not ideal light wise but I have two off camera flashes which help. Although I'm very much out of practice and I was in a hurry so they're a bit rough around the edges.

I've only looked at these on the iPad and my phone, but did you manage to make use of the funky walls down on Chelsea bridge wharf in the pictures, it's quite hypnotic in the sun !

I think I must have missed it. I was struggling to think where I could go that wasn't too far away and would be quiet on a Sunday and remembered this turn off that I cycle past each day which turned out to be here, worked out well.
That is tidy.

I've been casually looking at ~2004 TTs as my next car. I wasn't aware of this model - though have seen a few with black roofs - I assumed they'd been modded that way.
This is what the TT was about.

Photos taken somewhere near Battersea? I recognise the gasworks.

Edit: the bridge gives it away :D
Really not a fan of the old girly bubble shaped TTs but love the newer, more pointy manly shape.
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im sure these are a great car to drive, but i persoinally can get over its looks, can't stand it, looks like a pregnant skateboard.

Haha best description of a TT yet.

Sounds well worth the money and looks great, especially the interior is super!

The best bit is there's plenty of room for my straighteners er I mean bike in the back.

How do you find the seats on longer journeys? Are they wearing well as well?

I was worried about numb bum but they are really comfy. I've done 3 hour stints without any discomfort. Passengers don't expect them to have such high sides though and often hit their bum getting in, much to my amusement. They seem pretty hard wearing and mine are in nice condition with a minimal amount of wear on the driver's side, it's slight though and unavoidable long term with seats like this. You can minimise it by climbing into and out of them properly.

And yep Jonny, it's just off the run that runs up Battersea park to Chelsea bridge.
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