My turn to join the DSLR club !!!! :) :) :)

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
SDK^ said:
I'm at work and can't see the photo - which camera did you get ?

Canon 30D, also have the battery grip off a friend cheap. :)

shifty_uk said:
Nice camera!

What makes DSLR better than non DSLR ?

Same reason digital camera's advantages of film cameras basically. Instant review, no more developing cost (most of us have PC/Mac) are the main ones.
Raymond Lin said:
Same reason digital camera's advantages of film cameras basically. Instant review, no more developing cost (most of us have PC/Mac) are the main ones.

Maybe I would have been better asking, what makes SLR better than non SLR.
shifty_uk said:
Maybe I would have been better asking, what makes SLR better than non SLR.

In general the SLRs have interchangable lenses giving a higher quality picture, also what you se in the viewfinder is what you get as the captured image (unlike the rangefinder images (not a difference with digital point and shoot)

this would give a reasonable explanation
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shifty_uk said:
Maybe I would have been better asking, what makes SLR better than non SLR.
Night and day really.
DSLRs are far superior when it comes to image capture.

  • Larger sensor and pixels means photos are much better quality.
  • Photos contain much less noise/grain, especially at high ISO
  • Much more control over depth of field (in/out of focus parts of the image)
  • Faster focus, faster interfaces, faster everything :)
  • Inter-changeable lenses - Use lenses specifically for the field/subject you're photographing.
  • + loads more………..
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