My turn to join the DSLR club !!!! :) :) :)

I actually tried to buy a 30D last night, then my brain reminded me that getting one on credit would leave me with enough money for food for about one week a month :D
ElDude said:
I actually tried to buy a 30D last night, then my brain reminded me that getting one on credit would leave me with enough money for food for about one week a month :D
So what are you waiting for?

Nah, just joking! :D
ElDude said:
I actually tried to buy a 30D last night, then my brain reminded me that getting one on credit would leave me with enough money for food for about one week a month :D
Do you need to go on a diet? If so, now is the perfect time. Head over to for the OFFICIAL OcUK dieting thread and spend the money saved on a 30D. Everyone's a WINNAR as the mighty Hot Chocolate once sang.:p

EDIT - By the way, this is a joke yeah. :)
always liked my mates 20D so the 30D is pure lush I'd guess
i have the baby canon and never regretted the purchase
you must already have some lenses for it too from your film eos30 days

so roll on (no pun intended) some cracking new shots!
Okay, it was killing me. I've ordered a 30D and battery grip. Well, pending finance being awarded to me. They're calling me in the morning.

Ooo I'm all nervous :D

Hope I get it, and if I do I'll flog my 300D and battery grip to balance it out a bit :) I'm tempted to play golf with the kit lens.

Oh and @ MarcLister - I'm already dieting coz I have to lose weight as I have a squashed disc in my back after a car hit me. Doctor said "PUT DOWN THE PIES FATTY" :(
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ElDude said:
Okay, it was killing me. I've ordered a 30D and battery grip. Well, pending finance being awarded to me. They're calling me in the morning.

Ooo I'm all nervous :D

Hope I get it, and if I do I'll flog my 300D and battery grip to balance it out a bit :) I'm tempted to play golf with the kit lens.

Oh and @ MarcLister - I'm already dieting coz I have to lose weight as I have a squashed disc in my back after a car hit me. Doctor said "PUT DOWN THE PIES FATTY" :(
Good call. Please post some images when you get it.

Ouch to the squashed disc. Lol @ your doctor. Did he or she really say that? :eek: I need to go on a diet too but I think I'd be best exercising my bulk off at the gym......once I've shaken this cold off.;)
Heh, he did say that actually :D Ironically he told me to build muscle too, which is a contradiction as he said to lose weight :P

I hate waiting. I demand a new camera now. I'll have to go full tilt trying to sell some photos too, so I can eat n stuff :D
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