My Water Cooling Log Bikerz

Trying 1.57V now. Upto 59C.

STABLE at 1.57V.

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Been going 2 hr, totaly stable and at 62C

I have 3/8" tubing over 1/2" barbs alex, NOT 7/16th". Saved ccl number into my mobile, will call 2morow, also what is 3/8" tubing in mm? 9.5mm?
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SUPER STABLE!!!! 11hr Prime 95


3.6Ghz, with a FSB of 400mhz. V drop is insane, so will be changing after my operation to somthing very special. Got a new case to order monday so that should help temps. Very happy with clock. Just got to ask W3bbo very niceley to add me to hall of fame ! Alex you are a star mate. Thanks for this, nice to know I always have someone there for me in times of need. Thanks mate.

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Ah ok. Im certianly not brae enough to do a pencil mod yet, id rather buy a new mobo, but 409 FSB im very proud of thats all I need. When I get new case should reduce temps, as its in a rather cramped antec900 at min. Looks a real state. I only have 3 Yate loon Low speed fans on rad, so a few more and maybe 1 or 2 in case should help.

The mobo doesnt allow you to unlink the memory which is a real pain!
I dont know how to enlarge, I just painted it and then uploaded onto phototbucket, zoom in on photobucket and save?

That place closes at 4pm so never called (well sat in there que for about 15 min at 4.30pm and then realised,grrr) so will call 2morow, as finishing work at 1pm 2morow
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