well the staple was accidental, whilst the cable was being routed a day or two before
the soldering was obviously a mistake, but i didnt think heat alone would short something out
Which of the following is likely to cause the damage:
1) a live ethernet cable with a heavy duty staple through it
2) soldering a vga cooler fan cable which the PC is powered on and running
The damage to the motherboard is a no longer functioning onboard ethernet port and 6 onboard multi-coloured sound jack ports.
2) soldering a vga cooler fan cable which the PC is powered on and running
Frank approves of your actions OP.
Frank would have done that in style and blown himself up at the same time as the motherboard. :D
The heat travels down the cable don't forget, the header could have gotten very hot.the soldering was obviously a mistake, but i didnt think heat alone would short something out
Why would you solder a fan on a running system? My mind boggles.
Frank would have done that in style and blown himself up at the same time as the motherboard.
nearly as good as a friend who ordered close to a 1000 quid in pc parts and took motherboard out box and said ohh we dont need that plastic cpu holder it will melt and ripped out the main cpu socket looool
with mad skills like that there should definitely be a career with the purple shirted ones on the cards.