Myth Of Soma: Blades of Heaven

I had the email about this the other day. The only thing with these (even SomaDev) is they start off with a decent player base, then get hacked and die off stupidly quickly.

Did anyone play Soma Haven? That was mine. :)
This is the Soma Dev server mate. It's just gone into full swing instead of being just a test server :)
Used to be full on addicted to Soma. Paid by splash plastic every month (remember that?!?)

Tried a few servers since but I always loved how busy she populated Soma was. When its quiet it feels quite depressing to me.

Used to love watching GN and watch what he got up to. My finest memory of Soma is finally getting an SP drop. Although when Slither took over and all his cronies got involved (Burnzy etc) it all went downhill. Can happily say me and Foxtrck were the first crafters to discover (at least publically) to discover the enhancements gem added to armour/weps.

Ah, such fun times.
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Yup... Splash Plastic was the only way for me to pay when I was younger lol. Had to get the pennies off my Mum and Dad and run over to the local newsagents to top it up!

Seriously.. give this a try, I know last night there were 200+ players on there and i've already seen a good portion of the oldschool guys on there.

I'm addicted again I'm sorry to say! got to 15 con last night and still grinding.

IIRC it's 4-6x on Stats and a much higher skill cap along with a couple of additional areas on top of Abias, Conti and VOD.
Yup... Splash Plastic was the only way for me to pay when I was younger lol. Had to get the pennies off my Mum and Dad and run over to the local newsagents to top it up!

Seriously.. give this a try, I know last night there were 200+ players on there and i've already seen a good portion of the oldschool guys on there.

I'm addicted again I'm sorry to say! got to 15 con last night and still grinding.

IIRC it's 4-6x on Stats and a much higher skill cap along with a couple of additional areas on top of Abias, Conti and VOD.

Ah the days of watching new chars grind con on Brics lol. May be tempted.
I am an original legend of mir 2 player. I used to play on pheonix server and loved my taoist, so much fun! It got to a stage where diablodoom and his guild always used to use the teleport ring on boss spawns and kill everyone else in vicinty.

How does myth of soma compare? If they have improved security from hackers i would be tempted in getting into this game. Is it free now?
Oh my. My first ever MMORPG and what an enjoyable game it was! Think I might just have to fire this up for nostalgia and who knows, may enjoy it once more.
Just so you guys know, to set the game at your resolution:

"Solution:Open your Myth of soma folder located in C:/.
Within this folder, you need to open the file called 'SomadevLauncher' the specific file is under the client which is called the same.

Within this, you are able to alter the dimensions of your screen.


Looks so much better now :D
Awesome tip there thank you. To some of you old skool Myth of Soma Players, how would you say it compares to legendofmir2?

Also if any of you are interested you can join the excellent private server, which has now upgraded the game it's a massive mmorpg for 2d. Approx 10gb download & it's free. It's still has a alrge player base on arcadia server
I never got in to MoS, was always a mir addict, can tell I impacted people in that game as over 10 years on I still see people in games and they ask me if I was the one who played mir, kind of nice, always funny hearing how people remembered me, good at pvp, con man, griefer, hacker, exploiter or my personal favorite "I remember when you keylogged your laptop at that lan party and robbed that fat bint."

I might give MoS a try though, went back to Scorp's (owner of p69) new mir server but just wasn't the same.
Wow... played again last night "just for a laugh" but logged off feeling totally addicted again! Such a classic game. So basic in many ways, but such hidden depths too.

They've done a great job on the website and looks like a nice community is being rebuilt.
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