N you thought MJ can dance....

Mohinder said:
That's part of why I like him, he's just a geeky looking Korean kid til he starts popping :D

LoL, i made the same mistake. I didnt know this was actually David Elsewhere but rather some kid follower.. but it is actually him.. not Korean at all.. just poor video compression fooling you.. and those of you who think he is a kid..

He was born in 1979, so not really 'kid' status.
I thought this was known as bodypopping? Not robot dancing anyway :p

Seen the 2nd link before, some cool new stuff in the OP link though. That bit where it looks (if you'll excuse the nerdy comparison) like a game struggling for fps is superb!

Extremely talented and not something to be mocked.
Bellboy said:
I thought this was known as bodypopping? Not robot dancing anyway :p

...like a game struggling for fps is superb!

gord said:
David Elsewhere is unbelievable. A lot of that specifically isnt robot, its popping and locking with ticking too.

As said. The bit you refer to as a game struggling for fps i believe is ticking, although i havnt watched the video. It gives the impression of immediate, unnatural jerky movements. Its damm hard to do properly as you usually keep muscle tension so you can move the arms decisively.
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