N70 GPS help please...

8 Sep 2005
Basically im really looking to get my N70 up and running so that I can have GPS in my car (got a big drive to leeds coming soon).

Basically what I need to know is what are the most cost-effective GPS receivers available for the N70 and are there any known problems with this phone and GPS equipment. What is the best software for it? Are there any other accessories i'd need?

Any advice welcome! :)
Was your mums N70 the standard firmware that came with the phone originally? I heard theres problems with TT5 if you havent got the latest firmware, does that hold any truth? :)
Not sure to be honest I haven't really looked at it much tbh, got it two weeks ago from an 02 shop. Haven't experienced anything not working (or I haven't been told about it which is more likely bloody women :rolleyes: ) so might be the newer firmware.
Not just TT5 but route66 mobile won't work either.

With firmware v2 and v3 forget it, it just isn't going to work properly with any gps receiver. There are still issues with v5 (latest) but people have got it to work properly'ish, but a number of 'tricks' need to be use....usually using a TT receiver, phone in offline mode and still a lot of the time POI's need to be disabled.
Bigsy said:
Not just TT5 but route66 mobile won't work either.

With firmware v2 and v3 forget it, it just isn't going to work properly with any gps receiver. There are still issues with v5 (latest) but people have got it to work properly'ish, but a number of 'tricks' need to be use....usually using a TT receiver, phone in offline mode and still a lot of the time POI's need to be disabled.

That's really not what I wanted to hear... damn. :(

What in your opinion is the most cost-effective method of getting GGPS then if its not on an N70?
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