25 Nov 2005
I received a letter from NAGTY (National Academy Gifted Talented Youth) this afternoon offering me a place with them.

From what I've gathered by reading the letter and leaflet they sent me, it is a summerschool/camp/activity type thing offered to students in the top 5% of students in the country.

I was wondering if anyone went to it, and if it is worth going to?
Don't know anything about it but go for it, is it free?

You will now be refered to as forum swot or Malcolm (as in Malcolm in the Middle):p
Pebbles said:
No idea, but well done! Go, whats the worst that'll happen? :)

Branded a geek, lose all friends, social life terminated. ;)

AJUK: Yeah, it is free.

Apparently you go to lectures, conduct experiments and talk to complete social rejects for two weeks...
I'm a member of it but I've never been to any of the activities. I still think it's worth joining up if you've got the chance though just so you can stick it on your CV and be able to mention it when you write your personal statement for uni.

You never know you might find an activity thing you might want to attend as well. Better to have the opportunity than not.
Visage said:
He arrives to find its run by a consortium of Gary Glitter, Michael Jackson and Jonathan King?

Well he'll be a social outcast least that way he has options ;)
Melm0 said:
As i always say: If the meals are included GO FOR IT!


Sensible lad ;)

never turn down a free meal :)

Depending on what the activites are it could be great fun :)

Cetainly i'd look into it.
Pebbles said:
What were you doing instead??? :eek:

Well I was a late starter, going to an all boys school and having a best friend who only gas 128k of memory didn't help tbh.

I made up for it later :p

Matblack said:
Well I was a late starter, going to an all boys school and having a best friend who only gas 128k of memory didn't help tbh.

I made up for it later :p


Pfffff going to a single sex school didnt stop us doing girls!......oh......wait :p
I'm a member, I was invited to join earlier in the year. They offer opportunities to take summer schools, extra courses in particular subjects etc. Unfortunately due to where I live the government will not fund summer Schools, even if its for your CV, its still good to put down.
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