I was offered to join it but i turned it down. A lot of my peers did aswell and so far we haven't regretted it... It depends on what your school is like for extra curricular activities. For example, mine is very good so i felt there were more important and enjoyable things i could do. However if your school is a little sparse on the extra ticks in UCAS boxes, by all means go for it.
Wouldnt happen to be on the isle of white would it? If it is then yes I have been on it and it was naff... lights out at 10 pm and there wasnt even anywhere to sneak off to :(
I guess, well when I went it was plain crap. Done things like rock climbing, which for a lot of people would be good I suppose but I have done that so many times it just wasnt very interesting to me.

That was inbetween work we had to do :p
So hang on, they want you to study... during the summer?

Surely the only appropriate response to that is: "Ahahahaha, yeah right"?
I live on a rock between Ireland and England in the Irish Sea, I'll say no more. Yes people in our school chose not to join also, there appears to be some willy waving about it between some people, and its pathetic tbh, but to some people I have heard it has proven to be very useful.
Weebull said:
So hang on, they want you to study... during the summer?

Surely the only appropriate response to that is: "Ahahahaha, yeah right"?

No, I wanted a free holiday ;)

Did not say anything about doing the work!
Etaqua said:
I received a letter from NAGTY (National Academy Gifted Talented Youth) this afternoon offering me a place with them.

From what I've gathered by reading the letter and leaflet they sent me, it is a summerschool/camp/activity type thing offered to students in the top 5% of students in the country.

I was wondering if anyone went to it, and if it is worth going to?

You're special.

*pats on head*
Le_Petit_Lapin said:
Personally I baffled as to how the sig, and you're e-mail address underneath didnt make him twig... :D

That's what i thought after i posted! lol :D bless him, easily confused :cool:
I have to confess to being a member too. :)

We were never asked to submit a CV or such though - my school just chose the members it would apply and sorted it all out themselves. Luckily enough, all they chose were excepted.

That said, I've never been to any of their summer-schools, though I have friends who have been to a Creative Writing day and were most impressed. A lot of them put me off because they were rather long (3 weeks). Don't get me wrong though, they do have short one's aswell.

They have a forum too that I haven't yet posted in, though it's nowhere near as good as this one (:cool:) and all posts have to be checked by mods before being submitted so can take hours to get on :eek: .

Regardless of that, you can't go wrong. Their website gives more info. :)

Go for it. :D
Melm0 said:
I'm assuming that was a joke - people do say i'm more boyish than is healthy for a girl

I'm in a Warwick scheme at College, just something extra to put on the UCAS form when applying to universities. Theres the "Able and Talented" scheme aswell, which I find pretty inappropriately named - kinda insinuates that people not on the scheme aren't.

But, truth being truths, the majority of the chav types arent :D
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