So yesterday I cleared the boot drive of my old gaming rig and installed a bare bones Gentoo server.
I have NFS, Samba and MiniDLNA running currently. This means I get nice fast access from Linux via NFS, user session based access via Samba/CIFs for Windows etc and I can browse through stuff on the smart TV or Mobile phone via DLNA. I do still need to install a DLNA client in windows though.
I'm left feeling this is all a bit raw and dull.
Are the any useful applications/servers that I can install to make it more convenient? I realise that some of these might be client side, such as pointing Kodi at the DLNA server and letting it index, categorize etc.
I see a lot of focus in the NAS/Media server space is around "appliance" based solutions like FreeNAS etc. Also a lot of focus on media centre rather than media server, so a local display is expected.
Just looking for ideas. One thing that might crop up, is remote access, I assume that won't be DLNA but more likely a streaming style web application to stream audio and video over HTML5 or Flash.
I have NFS, Samba and MiniDLNA running currently. This means I get nice fast access from Linux via NFS, user session based access via Samba/CIFs for Windows etc and I can browse through stuff on the smart TV or Mobile phone via DLNA. I do still need to install a DLNA client in windows though.
I'm left feeling this is all a bit raw and dull.
Are the any useful applications/servers that I can install to make it more convenient? I realise that some of these might be client side, such as pointing Kodi at the DLNA server and letting it index, categorize etc.
I see a lot of focus in the NAS/Media server space is around "appliance" based solutions like FreeNAS etc. Also a lot of focus on media centre rather than media server, so a local display is expected.
Just looking for ideas. One thing that might crop up, is remote access, I assume that won't be DLNA but more likely a streaming style web application to stream audio and video over HTML5 or Flash.