9 May 2005
I’m going away from my current pc set up with multiple internal drives backing up and changing to a Mac mini. All I really want to back up if a few documents and then my pictures and lightroom catalogs.

I already have the drives and I’m looking for a storage solution for this one Mac, where I can keep my photos on one drive and auto back up mirror to another. I’m guessing I don’t need a NAS as I have no interest in having it on my network and don’t have a cable set up to connect it. I think I’d rather DAS.

Can anyone suggest a good DAS set up, most of the ones I’m looking at come with drives fitted and I’d rather use the ones I have. I’d also like it to auto back up if possible. Or is the best option to try and get it connected to the network and use a NAS?

Or do I just buy an external HDD enclosure and run software on the Mac to clone and back up?
Thanks for those thoughts, my issue is my router is in my hallway and my pc upstairs so might have to look at doing a lot of rework to get the network cable where it needs to be. if the DAS option isn’t a good one I might have to just manually use external HDDs until I can get cable run.
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