NAS Recommendations (and Expectations)

You realise there is a 3rd party list too right? Click the Synology dropdown and change it to 3rd party.

Yes, but there are no SSDs on that list which was my point.

You'd be mad to use consumer / desktop grade SSD's in a NAS for anything other than caching, I'm not surprised they're not on the list.

WD Red(SA500) SSD's are fine to use in a NAS, they are on the QVL list of the QNAP I will probably move to later on.

On a side note, I have no issue with buying those drives, it's just for the total ownership cost as it would be 6 x ~£1000 + ~£1500 for the DS1621XS when I bought it. If I was spending that much, I'd rather get a much more powerful unit that supports NVMe drives etc.. as I personally wouldn't class the DS1621XS as any more than an advanced NAS for home.
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Yes, those are designed for the application. 870 Evo's are not.

Those SA500's do work pretty well, as they get hammered a lot of the timing testing stuff. I don't have any issues to report using them since moving over to them last year.
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I've been running a DS218 for a few years now.

I use it as a local backup target and also replicate to a Backblaze instance for off site storage. Backblaze costs me less than £2 a month (350GB at the moment) and is worthwhile peace of mind.

The integrated Synology cloud sync supports quite a few Clpud providers but I found Backblaze B2 offered the best value for money for archive storage.
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Although B2 just went up to $5 per 1TB they just removed egress fees for up to 3x the stored amount. Which is nice if I ever need to bring a backup down.
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£40 a year gets you 6x1TB Onedrive accounts and that integrates nicely with Synology.

I prefer B2 for my use case as its pay as you use rather than paying for storage I don't necessarily need. At the moment it costs me £1.69 a month and only increases as my replication size increases.

I rarely, if ever, egress as its just archive storage for me. If I need to access data whilst on the move I just VPN.
Thank you for the responses. @Armageus, that sounds ideal to me.

I was hoping to get something in for around £600 with drives. Are there any recommendations for which to go?
I use a ds720 which I think would be ideal for what you want. You might be able to pick one up second hand to save you some money.
Having migrated from kodi to plex, I find plex generally works brilliantly. User accounts mean you can pause on one device and resume on another
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