24 Jul 2009
I have an old NAS, Netgear Ready NAS Duo (it's old), that stopped working a while back. No idea why, just won't power on anymore. I'm not interested in getting it working again, but I wanted to know if there was any device I could connect the HDD drives to that doesn't involve me having to buy another NAS enclosure. With it being 2 drives, I believe it's configured in RAID 1. What's the easiest way to connect and access the drives?

What would happen if I connected just one drive to my PC, would it show whatever data is on it? Or would I need to connect both?
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It's a bit more complicated than it just auto mounting in windows, below is someone who had a similar senario so you can get a feel of what you'll need to look at/do

It's a bit more complicated than it just auto mounting in windows, below is someone who had a similar senario so you can get a feel of what you'll need to look at/do

Thanks, I'll take a look. I already have the data off of it through backups luckily, this was just something to do and see if I could. If I can't, I'll get rid of it as it's very old anyway.
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With my old Lacie NAS I just used a Linux distro to boot up off with the drives connected to the desktop, for me the Lacie was configured with RAID 0 so I just mounted each disk in turn to get the data, took bloody ages to copy though.
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