NASA makes Mars discovery 'for the history books'

22 Apr 2011
NASA has caused a stir after hinting at a 'historic' discovery made by the Mars Curiosity rover.

Scientists studying data collected by the rover's Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instruments have apparently made a major find on the planet, but are so far remaining frustratingly tight-lipped about exactly what it is.

Curiosity's £1.6 billion extraplanetary mission hopes to determine if the Martian world could ever have supported life.

Unsurprisingly, this announcement teaser has people all a-flutter over the possibility that the team has discovered signs of extra terrestrial life - especially as lead investigator John Grotzinger described the find as "one for the history books".
One (more) giant leap?

The Curiosity mission has already revealed that the Red Planet's atmosphere is not as radioactive as experts once thought, adding weight to speculation that Mars once supported life.

Some commentators have suggested that scientists have discovered the existence of methane – a gas created by organic matter.

Scientists are now double-checking samples of rock and soil ahead of the big announcement set for December 3.

The Curiosity team is giving nothing away for now, meaning we all face an excruciating wait until the big day rolls around.


Wonder what they've found :eek:
Something scientifically interesting but really dull and uninteresting to the average person.

Because from the Curiosity account they tweeted

What did I discover on Mars? That rumors spread fast online. My team considers this whole mission "one for the history books"
Will be disappointed if it's just methane, but can't think what else it could be.

Edit: Unless the methane has been generated after the sample was taken, ie evidence that there is microbial life in the sample producing it now.

Got a lol from me :D

TBH, it wouldn't suprise me if they found some sort of simple life. Just have to look at the extremes life can survive on this planet and it isn't a big leap to think life could exist on Mars. However, I suspect it is going to be methane or something similar.
Methane on Mars is nothing new, it's been known about for years.

I thought they found out that the methane experiments they did showed no methane on mars? the initial results where contaminated because the rover bought over some contaminated air from earth.
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