NASA UFO Footage

Vatican says aliens could exist

riting in the Vatican newspaper, the astronomer, Father Gabriel Funes, said intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space.

Father Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory near Rome, is a respected scientist who collaborates with universities around the world.

The search for forms of extraterrestrial life, he says, does not contradict belief in God.

Trickle information like this is being released all the time.
Pear roast x1000

with propulsion devices?

What propulsion devices. You are seeing what you wnat to. |It could quite easily be debris near to the shuttle.

Trickle information like this is being released all the time.

They aren't drip feeding anything.

They are saying quite rightly God would have made other species. Especially as it says we are the only ones made in his image.
Good video but i suspect that most of the stuff floating about is just debris and the things changing direction could be anything from Satellites changing direction to stuff bouncing off the earths atmosphere?
What propulsion devices. You are seeing what you wnat to. |It could quite easily be debris near to the shuttle.

And the non-believers come up. Good God, honestly. You must be completely wooden to think we're alone in the universe and that we're the fastest-evolved species.
Good video but i suspect that most of the stuff floating about is just debris and the things changing direction could be anything from Satellites changing direction to stuff bouncing off the earths atmosphere?
or debris colliding with each other.

You must be completely wooden to think we're alone in the universe and that we're the fastest-evolved species.

Where did I say that?
There's a difference between that and thinking all these films show nothing more than ice particles.
So we have a collection of fuzzy videos showing a selection of Micrometeorites, Space Dust, space junk (of which there is a lot) and Camera Lens flare mixed in with some questionable audio and snapshots of who know what.

Is there life on other planets, I would say that the probability of that is almost certain, does that video show any evidence of extraterrestrial life, the probability is quite low I would think.

I wonder how many are accepting that as evidence of Aliens, yet dismiss any possibility of a God out of hand (in whatever form).
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Photographic artifacts / exposure issues / debris / Astronauts having a bit of a laugh.
If the entire clip showed consistent types of objects spanning years and missions I'd be outside digging a bunker and storing baked beans. Most of it is ridiculous, some mysterious to warrant some interest.
I was into UFO's a few years ago and the only thing I find interesting about the vid was the dialogue of the astronauts.

Anyone who thinks that the little specs of light moving around are Alien space craft is pretty stupid.
Aliens don't exist.
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