Nasty Accident?

I once dated a doctor who told me similar stories. You wouldn’t believe how often people present to hospital having had the misfortune to fall on all manner of bulbous objects which just happened to be liberally smothered in lubricant, and whilst the person just happened to be naked, resulting it it lodging in their anus. What are the odds? Fascinating.
Oh, thank goodness I'm not the only one this happened to (Twice as a matter of fact) .
Now do you believe me, doctor? ;)
I seem to recall Graham Chapman from Monty Python being a doctor and often mentioning people attending hospital with various weird objects that had “Accidentally” been inserted into the back door.
I have had three nasty accidents all of them Doctors fingers and it hurts.

Last one was a Female white south african built like the Hulk and fingers like Cumberland sausages.
Now that one hurt - Fortunately the results were negative. :D
I have had three nasty accidents all of them Doctors fingers and it hurts.

Last one was a Female white south african built like the Hulk and fingers like Cumberland sausages.
Now that one hurt - Fortunately the results were negative. :D
I had to have a finger up the jacksie examination a couple of years ago. Just my luck the doctor was an absolutely stunning Lithuanian blonde. God the embarrassment :(
I once dated a doctor who told me similar stories. You wouldn’t believe how often people present to hospital having had the misfortune to fall on all manner of bulbous objects which just happened to be liberally smothered in lubricant, and whilst the person just happened to be naked, resulting it it lodging in their anus. What are the odds? Fascinating.
The toy car from the original jackass movie was the best skit on this.
I had to have a finger up the jacksie examination a couple of years ago. Just my luck the doctor was an absolutely stunning Lithuanian blonde. God the embarrassment :(
Showing your age Rob; this is foreplay for us millenials.
I have had three nasty accidents all of them Doctors fingers and it hurts.

Last one was a Female white south african built like the Hulk and fingers like Cumberland sausages.
Now that one hurt - Fortunately the results were negative. :D

That one hell of a way to get a negative covid test!!!
"The guy found the shell while having a clear out of his stuff"

Nice euphemism Sun. Bravo, sir. Bravo.
I work besides the Information Governance Team who deal with FOI's.
Several years ago they were asked for details on 'stuck up bottom' incidents in A&E and they received a detailed breakdown for a year.
There were 57 that year and it made for great reading.
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