Nasty adds on for cars.. The one you hate most?

12 May 2005
Gotta be -

Spinners on a car are worse then fluffy dice. I saw these on an X5 once, the car came to a stop, and the spinners were still moving. I half expected the spinner to spin off the wheel, cut into the tarmac and carve its way along the road, hit the kerb and spin up into the air and then cut some old lady, harmlessly waiting right up the middle.

I think, anyone who buys these cheap tacky items needs to be placed on a database, where the owner of such tac is then reported directly to the DVLA and charged 60% more road tax for being such a berk.

Also, dump valves... Yah, look at me. I've just dumped all my money on useless tac, just to annoy you, and I think it sounds so cool... Mostly for cossie drivers, and their cars are 20 years old.....

Sadly, it ruins it for all the "proper" cossie owners who don't ruin their cars.
iv-tecman said:
Gotta be -

Spinners on a car are worse then fluffy dice. I saw these on an X5 once, the car came to a stop, and the spinners were still moving. I half expected the spinner to spin off the wheel, cut into the tarmac and carve its way along the road, hit the kerb and spin up into the air and then cut some old lady, harmlessly waiting right up the middle.

I think, anyone who buys these cheap tacky items needs to be placed on a database, where the owner of such tac is then reported directly to the DVLA and charged 60% more road tax for being such a berk.

Also, dump valves... Yah, look at me. I've just dumped all my money on useless tac, just to annoy you, and I think it sounds so cool... Mostly for cossie drivers, and their cars are 20 years old.....

Sadly, it ruins it for all the "proper" cossie owners who don't ruin their cars.

I though dump valves had some sort of purpose :confused:

They do have a purpose, on some cars I agree it's slightly on the side of pointless but some cars do justify them.

I personally get annoyed by people playing their music stupidly loud. I like listening to my music at a decent volume, but spending £0000 just to get an extra 5-10db out of the car is a waste of money.
iv-tecman said:
Spinners on a car are worse then fluffy dice. I saw these on an X5 once, the car came to a stop, and the spinners were still moving. I half expected the spinner to spin off the wheel, cut into the tarmac and carve its way along the road, hit the kerb and spin up into the air and then cut some old lady, harmlessly waiting right up the middle.

I think, anyone who buys these cheap tacky items needs to be placed on a database, where the owner of such tac is then reported directly to the DVLA and charged 60% more road tax for being such a berk.

Certainly not cheap...Unless you're talking about the uber plastic hubcap versions that minicabs seem to have.

Also, dump valves... Yah, look at me. I've just dumped all my money on useless tac, just to annoy you, and I think it sounds so cool... Mostly for cossie drivers, and their cars are 20 years old.....
What's wrong with a car being over 20 years old? An atmospheric blow-off valve serves a definite purpose.

Sadly, it ruins it for all the "proper" cossie owners who don't ruin their cars.

What is a "proper" cossie owner then?

Grow up, get off your high horse and get over yourself.

I hate:

Big silly spoilers

Big silly alloys that knacker the ride (worse if they are gold)

Noisy dump valves that may well damage the car rather than help it

Stickers proclaiming the vehicle to be something its not

Loud exhausts that upset the neighbours cat

Hold on.................................. ;)
penski said:
Grow up, get off your high horse and get over yourself.


Sorry my horse has just bolted. Some jerk with a noisy car spooked him and now I'm on a wild ride that I cannot get off.

Please come back later, where you can then "educate" me on how to "grow" up. Until then, my opinion is just that.

Ah sorry, you cannot hear the "freedom" of speech I go on about, as someone has just drove past in a "very" noisy car.. How in-considerate.
Acolyte said:
The yellow vanilla trees people hang in their cars, they smell horrible. Yet most of my mates have them

I had one but I didn't hang it up and they smell gorgeous what are you on about?! :p

I don't like massive aftermarket alloys on small engined cars.
EddScott said:
I hate:

Big silly spoilers Check

Big silly alloys that knacker the ride (worse if they are gold) Check

Noisy dump valves that may well damage the car rather than help it

Stickers proclaiming the vehicle to be something its not

Loud exhausts that upset the neighbours cat Check

Three out of five ain't bad....

iv-tecman said:
Also, dump valves... Yah, look at me. I've just dumped all my money on useless tac, just to annoy you, and I think it sounds so cool... Mostly for cossie drivers, and their cars are 20 years old.....

oh noes, my car has a dump valve as standard...

get a clue
The only add on I really hate is the spotty teenagers, or slightly overweight middle aged men that drive these things.

(assuming were on about OTT crappy mods)
I've got an Evo so the dump valve and big spoiler could be applied to me. :)

But in no particular order I hate...

Stickers listing every parts manufacturer on the car.
Awful Fast and the Furious style stickers on the side.
Wrong badges.
Cars made out like something they are not (fake escort cosworths)
Those terrible miniscule wing mirrors.
Big tailpipes (whats the point when the rest of the exhaust is still a pea shooter?)
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