Man of Honour
I for one welcome our new cleavage based ...notion.
Surely a day isn't enough for such delights? I vote that this thread should become National Cleavage Week (and then month)?
Who's with me!?
its sticky enough thanks+1
Also, thread needs stickied.
March is so full of win its impossible to calculate. Steak & bj day and national cleaveage day in the same month its to much, move over december the king is here
Yup! however, threads like this suggest that the respective days should be the other way around, ie Cleavage Day first then Steak and BJ day very shortly afterwards.
Personally I think that combining the two would be....just the job
I just told my friend it was national cleavage day yesterday and I never got to see any. She sent me a pic <3
Who needs a girlfriend with friends like that!!
I just told my friend it was national cleavage day yesterday and I never got to see any. She sent me a pic <3
Who needs a girlfriend with friends like that!!
I just told my friend it was national cleavage day yesterday and I never got to see any. She sent me a pic <3
Who needs a girlfriend with friends like that!!
Squark who is that gerl?