i am no expert i will be the 1st to admit.... but is this true? i thought NI WAS meant to be ringfenced, and if the governement chose to borrow from it, they were forced to pay it back in.
edit..... nope i could not resist, i just did some googling..
according to quick google.... it seems i was half right and half wrong, ie it specifically ISNT for schools or police (and presumably bins or Fire like i thought), however it IS means to be ringfenced for the other stuff i mentioned.
What is National Insurance and how does it work?
What it is used for?
The system has changed over the years.
National Insurance is now used to pay for:
- The NHS
- Unemployment benefit
- Sickness and disability allowances
- The state pension
NI is supposed to be "ring fenced" - meaning the money raised is only used for these areas and won't be spent on things like building schools or employing police officers.
However, the government can borrow from the National Insurance fund to help pay for other projects.