Near miss earlier - partner thinks I was at fault

4 Feb 2007
Nuneaton, UK
I was driving earlier after coming back from shopping and had a near miss with another car.

Excuse the crude drawing. I'm the blue car, coming from the top of the picture and following the road as it turns to the right. The red is the other car, he was travelling from left to right and entering Chervil Way, as I was coming round the corner I saw him coming and thought he looked to be going a bit fast to give way, I realised he wasn't going to stop and we were going to crash to hit the brakes, luckily I wasn't going fast. He also came to a stop but was in front of me, meaning if I hadn't stopped he would most certainly have hit me. He was blaming me from his car and I said he was at fault, windows closed so he wouldn't have heard. He blocked me for a few moments before moving on. Then my partner said that I was in thew wrong, this did annoy me and caused a bit of tension between us.

So, who was in the wrong here?

Click for bigger
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Went for a nosey on Google Maps, the junction is very clearly marked. Other guy was an utter muppet. Tell your Mrs a man from the Internet said so!!!

Also, going back to a street view from 2012, I wonder how those houses on the corner feel about losing that lovely bit of closed off quiet green space to make way for a major entry into a big estate. Ouch!

edit... Sorry, many typos!
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Went for a nosey on Google Maps, the junction is very clearly marked. Other guy was an utter muppet. Tell your Mrs a man from the Internet said so!!!

Also, going back to a street view from 2012, I wonder how those houses on the corner feel about losing that lovely bit of closed off quiet green space to make way for a major entry into a big estate. Ouch!

edit... Sorry, many typos!
It's not helped, I think I'm in more trouble now.
I blame the road designer. As the markings are laid out you are clearly in the right but I’m seeing a distinct lack of signage, just the white lines at the junction. A normal person would indeed think that straight on would be the priority route.
Depends on if the road actually has space for two cars to pass side by side (if there isn't then strictly he isn't crossing another lane). You should both have been slowing down to the blind corner and managed it more gracefully.

The red car should also be signalling right to exit the main road.
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Are you a new driver or something? Plenty of roads are like this.
I presumed sarcasm. But roads that have this marking do annoy me as it's quite obviously counterintuitive to the flow of the physical roads. I had one at the end of my street before and the street names even line up (meaning the marked road changes names and you "turn" to stay on the same road).

Ultimately though both cars should have been going slower and paying more attention TBH, it's an obvious risk area.
Agree with the above sentiment but by the looks of things and based on what agw observed, you definitely had right of way.

Enjoy sleeping on the couch after telling the mrs everyone on the internet said she’s wrong :D
Are you a new driver or something? Plenty of roads are like this.

I presumed sarcasm. But roads that have this marking do annoy me as it's quite obviously counterintuitive to the flow of the physical roads. I had one at the end of my street before and the street names even line up (meaning the marked road changes names and you "turn" to stay on the same road).

Ultimately though both cars should have been going slower and paying more attention TBH, it's an obvious risk area.

Yes, evident sense of humour failure.

If the road names on that image are accurate, it is a bit weird that there is the Long Hassocks road which turns left (North?) but also another Long Hassocks road apparently connecting to it from the right/South.
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