Near miss earlier - partner thinks I was at fault

I once did similar to the red car in torrential rain down a dark, unlit road where I could not see any road markings. When I realised what I'd done, I turned to my wife, shocked with my jaw open. She asked me if I'd farted.
I once did similar to the red car in torrential rain down a dark, unlit road where I could not see any road markings

Few places near me I see people, probably not familiar with the area, struggle to know where to stop at traffic lights because in the rain and dark the markings disappear entirely.
The painted lines on the road are clear enough.
OP was coming from the left.
Mr Numpty was going from the cameras viewpoint straight over, effectively a right turn.

The houses directly ahead are newer - which is why they invented a new road that goes straight on.

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The town in Slovakia where my mother in law lives is like this but without the road markings, which makes it a load of fun.

So half the town drives like they are defusing a bomb, the other half drive like they are in a grand prix.
OP definitely in the right, however i am also with the people who say road priorities like this are silly and at odds with the "logical" flow of the road. If OP knows the area regardless of right or wrong they need to be wary of other drivers getting it wrong.

imo the road should have been reprioritised when the new junction was made to either change the right of way OR make it far more obvious.

in that image it looks fairly obvious, but at night in heavy rain if you do not know the road? i can imagine it being not so obvious.
BTW i have seen roads like this there are a few around Cambridge.... i dont like those either.....

whilst on the soap box however :D

those 2 cars in the image above (tesla and what ever the other is) pretty dump parking directly opposite each other that close to a junction and (at least) partially obstructing the pavement imo.
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