Nearly 90,000 sex abuse claims filed against Boy Scouts of America

29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
So the good ol' Boy Scouts of America turns out to have a sex abuse culture that's so extensive and deeply ingrained, it completely eclipses the abuses of the entire Catholic Church. That's quite an achievement.

The organization filed for bankruptcy in February after facing a slew of sex abuse reports. Claims had to be submitted by Monday at 5 p.m. ET.

Andrew Van Arsdale, one of the lead attorneys, called sex abuse an "unspoken norm" in BSA, per CNN. Claims include reports of forced sex, fondling and exposure to pornography.

"Most of the people coming forward, were not molested by people that the Boy Scouts even acknowledged they knew about, which shows that the problem was much more deeply ingrained in the fabric of the scouts and the scouts for decades and decades," he said.

Mones said the scale of abuse was much larger than the cases that emerged involving the Catholic Church in the U.S.


And yes, they did the usual thing of covering up abuse while turning a blind eye to abusers:

The documents showed that the organization tracked suspected and known abusers but failed to report many of them to the police. Lawyers say the perversion files did not document every abuser — many remain unknown.
Not a sock. Obviously that kind of job attracts pedos.

I know a guy who was molested by someone in the UK version of this, The Scouts I think they're called over here?

The lad in question has Aspergers, so I imagine he was exploited due to being vulnerable.

The above report doesn't surprise me in the least.
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Men in positions of power with children over the last few decades almost seems to have systemic sexual abuse/claims.

Lost count of how many major Christian denominations are coming out with reports showing this and clear attempts to cover up.

Entertainers, politicians, churches and now Scouts. What a depressing world.
Natural result of a hierarchical system teeming with corruption as a result of constantly having to double-down on trying to make the issue disappear, rather than do anything substantive in addressing the problem. Mind you, society is in absolutely no mood to reward organisations that preside over the sexual abuse of children with any chance to reform, so it was likely their only option.

Hopefully this is the end of them as they don't have fanatical followers like religious organisations do, the churches will just have to suffer a more strident secularisation of society due to the moral collapse of their institutions, I suppose that's a more fitting punishment.
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Nothing surprises me about that corrupt cess pool of a country anymore.

Pretty funny how you'd never refer to actual corrupt cesspits, most of them in Africa, Asia and the Middle East in such a way. America isn't perfect but it's pretty laughable to say it's a corrupt cesspit.
Men in positions of power with children over the last few decades almost seems to have systemic sexual abuse/claims.

Lost count of how many major Christian denominations are coming out with reports showing this and clear attempts to cover up.

Entertainers, politicians, churches and now Scouts. What a depressing world.

Lol, yes its just Christians.
Why does it ever matter that there are worse countries? The implication the US or indeed anywhere should only accept being better than the lowest common denominator is probably a factor in why the US happens to be trailing in multiple metrics like education and healthcare.
Pretty funny how you'd never refer to actual corrupt cesspits, most of them in Africa, Asia and the Middle East in such a way. America isn't perfect but it's pretty laughable to say it's a corrupt cesspit.

lol, how can you say that with a straight face. Its a corrupt cesspit in its current state.
I know a guy who was molested by someone in the UK version of this, The Scouts I think they're called over here?

The lad in question has Aspergers, so I imagine he was exploited due to being vulnerable.

The above report doesn't surprise me in the least.

Well, as someone who has been involved in Scouting in the UK through being a member of Cubs, Scouts and Venture Scouts units and then through leadership and now SASU, I can assure you that the current organisation makes great effort to ensure this no longer happens. The first piece of training you do is safeguarding and child protection - it's of a similar standard and rigour to the training in teaching.

Oh, and FYI, The Scouting Association and the Boy Scouts of America are independent organisations with little to no interoperability.
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Is this like the whole Saville or priest thing where it's common knowledge but still shocking when exposed? I wonder what else we're ignoring...

the Scouting Organisation and the Boy Scouts of America are different organisations with no interoperability.
That's because The Scouting Association is older, the Boy Scouts of America have no interest.
This thread on a UK Computer site was started by someone apparently resident in Australia, may relate to America and probably has absolutely nothing at all to do with the UK :confused:
Is this like the whole Saville or priest thing where it's common knowledge but still shocking when exposed? I wonder what else we're ignoring...

That's because The Scouting Association is older, the Boy Scouts of America have no interest.


Maybe cubs, rainbows, scouts in UK.
... I wonder what else we're ignoring...
I imagine quite a lot, unfortunately.
From the World Health Organisation website :-
  • Nearly 3 in 4 children - or 300 million children - aged 2–4 years regularly suffer physical punishment and/or psychological violence at the hands of parents and caregivers
  • One in 5 women and 1 in 13 men report having been sexually abused as a child aged 0-17 years.
  • 120 million girls and young women under 20 years of age have suffered some form of forced sexual contact.
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