Need a calender!

22 Oct 2002
Essex, innit?
I need a calender.

I went out to get one on the weekend, and every shop I went to had stopped doing them!

I mean, that's just stupid!

Anyone know where I can get one please?
Otacon said:
We're nearly half way through the year dude. It's not that stupid.

Might be worth trying some of the bigger stationary people.

Ha! Well I haven't got a calender so it could be January for all I know! :p

Tried all the main people, Smiths etc. It's bloomin' impossible!
Mohinder said:
I got an Avril calendar for 50p last july. whee

I was going to post that I was impressed with your bi-lingual skills, buying a French calender and all, but then it occurred to me that your skills can't actually be that good. Dude, it's now May! April's gone. Fours days ago! That 50p you spent... wasted.

Anyways, thanks for all the replies, I actually created on in Publisher as suggested above. Quite good as you can use all your own pics. Thanks :)
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