Need a calender!

Otacon said:
We're nearly half way through the year dude. It's not that stupid.

Might be worth trying some of the bigger stationary people.

Ha! Well I haven't got a calender so it could be January for all I know! :p

Tried all the main people, Smiths etc. It's bloomin' impossible!
Surely your computer has one, perhaps our mobile phone has one too? Why pay for another one?
But he appears to want us to believe he doesn't know what month is is, so I am giving him a quick fix.
Norbert666 said:
I need a calender.

I went out to get one on the weekend, and every shop I went to had stopped doing them!

I mean, that's just stupid!

Anyone know where I can get one please?
Norbert I have one right here for you. Just email me your address and I'll send it to you.

I don't think we're in competition and it's gots lots of nice Scotch (sic) pictures in it :p
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