Need a cheap AM3 CPU Cooler

18 Feb 2009
Hi All

Can anybody recomend me a cheap AM3 Cpu cooler.I am sick of playing League of Legends or LOTRO and hearing my stock fan kick in very loud.
I don't know wether i am better trying something to manually set the fan speed or just get a new cooler.
What thermal paste should i get to as i have never changed the cooler before as i just use the stock one and have never had a problem before now.

Any advice is appreciated.

P.s My Cpu is a P2 955 at stock.May overclock in the future but am not really bothered at the moment.Just need it to be a bit quieter. :)


Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro Rev 2

Got one fitted to a Phenom II X3 720

Should note that fan/rad orientation is upwards towards top exhaust fan if fitted.

+1 on a bit fiddly to fit but very good cooling for little outlay :)
Cool ill prob get that arctic .Cheap enough and has plenty of good reviews.What paste should i get i assume i will need something wont i?
+1 for the Arctic. I had one an my am2 dual core athlon x2 5600 and it was a very good cooler. Also I have one on my I5. The mx-2 paste was very good.
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