need a single player game

12 Sep 2012
East Sussex
as above, must be low specs because im going to china for 3 weeks for work and last time i was goign crazy.

laptop specs are...

i7 2.6 turbo to 3.2
gfx: intel 5500 and R7M260x 1gb ddr5
8gb ram

i did play company of heros on it with no issues .
i cant stand football, ermm, im thinking sim city but not sold on it. erm i like Real time strategy really.
such as
age of empire
empire earth
Tropico might peak your interest. It is also on sale on STEAM iirc.

I've been playing Just Cause 2 recently. If you want to complete it to 100%, it will take you a bunch of time, probably close to 100 hours. It's a GTA kind of game; open world sandbox with a bunch of missions and side quests (races, collectables etc.). Main story will take you less than 15 hours though, probably close to 10. Not sure if it is your type though.
You was in China and you was going crazy?! I would get out and explore the culture and the hundreds of things to see, China is beautiful!

As above though, XCOM, Wolfenstein, GTA V, Assassins Creed, Alien Isolation, all pretty good single players.

EDIT: Didn't read it needed to be low spec.
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thinking sim city

bridge builder. There is a new one out like that but I have the really old version of the game. Simple as the name, cross a river with as little material as possible and then watch the test wreck your efforts or just about manage

xcom is nifty
now that is a a good contender! does it require internet at any point?

I couldn't recommend any 'good' RTS games, cos I hate that genre, but I could advise you to not rely on Steam's Offline mode. Without an internet connection:

  • Steam will shaft you.
  • Steam will try to phone home.
  • Steam will lock you out of your games if it can't phone home (yes, even in 'Offline' Mode)
  • There willl be nothing you can do about it until you get a good unrestricted internet connection.

Before you leave, make sure you have cracks for all the Steam games on ur laptop.

As for recommendations.....if I was making suggestions for someone like myself, I would go for something from the following:

Gothic 1,2 (best RPGs ever, imo) (m/kb required)
Bioshock 1 + 2 (Infinite will run like crap on ur system)
Deus Ex HR
Far Cry 1 (m/kb required)
Fear 1 (m/kb required)
Portal 2
Dirt 3

Great games, all pretty old and/or undemanding.
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STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl, Open world horror/survival first person shooter with rpg elements.

EDIT: And to top it off you can get all three games on Steam via Humble bundle at 75% off at the moment.

Unlike what someone mentioned if you get them on Steam it's fine and you can play regardless of internet connectivity.

I've lost count of how often I've done it and I have a total of over 2000 hours on the trilogy through Steam. I've played a lot of hours disconnected (I do not have Wifi only wired).
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