Need a spec for a little rig

So true i'm always the person friends or family goto when they having computer trouble. Its ok at first but it becomes tiersome after awhille. Its worse when its over the phone when your trying to expalin what you think ts wrong with it and they have no clue what your talking about.

My uncles pc kept shuting down, basicly all it needed was a good tidy. It took me a hour or 2 to give it a good clean as well as getting rid of a lot of the crap on the hard drive.

Time i had finshed it was like a new pc and all i got for my trouble was a thank you. Whats worse at the time i didnt have a job and very little money.

So beware offering your services to other people they start to take the ****.
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Another one for recommending you only build stuff for yourself or if you will be paid to support it.

Since I moved from custom builds to just speccing Dells with the 3Year NBD warranty for relatives it's been far less stress for me (especially since i'm 200miles away from them at Uni)
Well, she has promised me a reward, or two.

I am seeing her in a week I shall report back what the plan is. The thing is, she is internet savvy so I am not concerned about her getting a virus or anything. It just needs not to blow (that will be her job). :D
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