Need advice on parts for Mini ITX build

11 Sep 2012
Hey guys, I need some advice on parts for this mini itx build. The PC will be used for light gaming, basically I need an ultra portable PC capable of playing pre-2010 games, cases such as the CM Elite 120 are just too big.

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I chose either of these 2 cases due to their very small size compared to other Mini ITX cases, if anyone else has any suggestions for other cases of comparable size I would appreciate it.

This means that I have a 160W limit on a PSU as that is the highest wattage PicoPSU I have found.

I plan on using an AMD A8 3850 but if possible would like to have it in crossfire with a 6570 or 6670, but that would obviously mean a case that supports a bigger PSU, so again any suggestions on a real small case that supports something bigger than picopsu.

Also I find it near impossible to find a slot loading optical drive with a left sided eject button.
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First I'd edit out the competitor links or you won't be around long enough to reply! :p

I'm currently waiting to for my things to be delivered before I build using the FC8 EVO. For pre 20010 games do you need anything like the graphics power you are looking at there? The Intel 4000 graphics may support you just fine, although I don't know what the AMD integrated graphics are like. May be worth checking before yo buy a separate card?

With the EVO you shouldn't need to buy a left sided optical drive, it apparently has a universal connection so right handed ones will be fine. You could probably fit the GFX card in with the 160W PSU, they actually use a lot less than you think (and the 160W actually has a peak load of 200W).

I assume with the choice of the AMD A8 3850 you're on a tight budget? My build is going to cost around £600 and have the i5 3579, an ASRock Z77E MB and 16GB of Teamforce Elite RAM with a Corsair M4 SSD. You could probably save yourself £100 on that if you went with a cheaper SSD and cheaper MB (I went with the Z77E because it had a displayport as I need the resolution from it, cheaper would be just as good if you're not over clocking).
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