Need advice on storing lots of data - NAS/SAN

19 Jun 2003
West Yorks, UK
Hi all,
I am planning a project that will require Terrabytes of data storage. There will be a central server that does the normal server stuff, with as much storage as I can afford attached to it somehow.

So far, I have looked at using lots of NAS boxes, such as the Buffalo Terrastation Pro 1TB units. Assuming they cost £500 (ex VAT) per unit, and could handle 500GB in RAID 1 for data mirroring, is there a more cost effective way of doing it? I am guessing I will need to start at around 3 or 4 TB, but it will increase continuously, limited only be the amount of physical space available :)

Any advice appreciated.

Well, without revealing too much, there is likely to be racks full of these things in the future. It won't be viable to use lots and lots of PC's running OpenFiler for example. They need to be self contained units. Do the normal NAS boxes such as the Terrastation Pro's transfer data at such slow speeds then? The Thecus boxes seem to make a point of being known as the quickest to transfer - around 10x faster than other solutions.

Whilst we're on the subject, is RAID 5 suitable for storing lots of data and keeping it safe? I have been reading up on it, but my brain can't get around the fact that the data isn't mirrored - it is just re-buildable from the parity disk.

What other options are there except for NAS boxes or PC's filled with HD's?

Thanks for all the replies. Too many acronyms in the storage market!

Perhaps if I reveal slightly more of my plans, you might be able to better spec me. There will be a server running Linux, connected via Gigabit network cabling to the Router (probably a good spec Draytek). I want all the storage to link to this server, and allow users to access it via FTP. Basically, a very large capacity FTP server.

Now, nothing new there. However, I need it to be as cheap as possible, and infinitely expandable if possible. Hence, having a load of TerraStation Pro's on a shelf seemed ideal. However, 3 MB/s transfer rate doesn't sound too appealing.

Does that point me in a more obvious direction?

Hehe, yeah as I say, that will do me for up to 8/10 hard drives or so, but i'm probably going to be needing 30+ in the long run. Therefore, I am looking for some rack mount units or self contained boxes like the TerraStations.

Stolly, thanks for the reply. It definitely seems the right way to go in the longer term. In the short term however, I am going to have to stick to NAS boxes or similar, as we can't afford to invest £20K straight away.

I've been trying to have a nose around the 'net and find out what hardware I would need for the most basic of SAN systems, but am struggling a bit. Even Wikipedia has let me down.

Would you be able to give me a basic idea of what hardware I would need?

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