Need advice

6 Oct 2004

Im currently in my first year at college, one more year togo. At the start of the year i really wanted to do something with ict. So i took a btec in software development.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, it has really put me off going into this career, i really dont like the course, but if i drop out the course after one year i get no grades, you have to complete the two years.

I really wish i could go back and do other subjects, now i am thinking about dropping out and starting again in september. I would do music/photography/A level ict, and another subject.

Ive no idea what i want to do at uni,and i feel these subjects give me a wider option.

But im thinking if i did the ict course now,and went to do for example, something totally un related to this at uni such as photography or music, would i struggle? and would they let me,knowing i dont have a basic knowledge of those subjects?

I just need some advice on what you guys think?
Personally I would think about if you are going to go to Uni or not.

If you are going to go to Uni then I'd consider staying as if you pass it could give you a fair amount of UCAS points and then go to do the music/photography course as that would mean even more points as well.

But then you would also be doing something you don't like for another year as well. :confused:
We if you drop out now, you'll of had wasted a year. What grades have you been getting? By all means, if its really getting to you, then drop out. However, if your just not currently enjoying it, just stick it out abit and complete the year and try and finish the diploma. Everyone has their "this is getting dull" moments. Having a diploma in IT doesn't necessarily mean you'll be doing that as a career, however it will if you don't go to University. For example, you can complete your diploma, and do something different at University for example photography or whatever you wish.

How about changing your pathway from developement to something else? I personally did the Systems Support pathway of which I really enjoyed. Alternatively there is always the general pathway.
im getting merits/distinctions on my current course,so just about top grades lol!

At uni i would like to do something that is sort of unique, and interesting, for example marine biology, or something like that.
I wouldnt mind working with animals, i work with fish all day on my part time job at work (if you can class them as animals?)
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